
Nov 20, 2009 08:35

ok, my normal ride on muni isn't so bad. Sometimes it's crowded, sometimes it's not, but then it's only about 10 minutes and it's not like it's Japan. Unfortunately, there are horrible people on the train that make me want to scratch their eyes out.

So today at Castro, we're all waiting in line to get on the train (normal) and this huge guy with a swollen red head comes in and pushes his way through. Ok, so you're an asshole, we got it. He grabbed the pole and stood right in front of the wall that separates the driver from the car... and in the center of the aisle. So he's essentially blocked anyone from getting on except in the little section between him and the door. People are trying to get in, seeing a lot of space behing him, and he screams WHERE AM I SUPPOSED TO GO and makes him arm/body completely rigid so (lucky me) I get squished really hard into his stupid arm that is like a huge branch and the crowd of people trying to get by. He continues to do this the whole ride, refusing to move when people want OFF the train, and every time I get smashed into his stupid rigid arm.

It took everything I had not to karate chop his inner elbow.

I don't know what was wrong with him, but I hope his stupid red swollen head pops like a pimple.

Anyway. I got a pear muffin from the Sentinel today since I came in early.
I hate to admit it, they give me stomach cramps whenever I eat them, but they are so good I'm willing to deal with it.
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