Last night I:
*went to a party at Sarah Janes. It was great seeing her again, she looks beautiful and healthy and happy. She lives with three guys (one of them's her fiance). She got her lip pierced but its more of a labret position.
*caught a cab to Rowan's with Nicola and Elayna. Nicola was really drunk and spilt sugar all through the cab.
*Rowan drove us to Narabeen Sands but we'd missed our friends playing.
*Went to Hornsby RSL (ew ew ew!!!!) and Elyse and Nicola got even more drunk.
*Had to sit between Elyse and Nic on the ride home and got crushed to death because they were having some sorta drunken cat fight...
So that was my night.....phew.
I miss my parents. I can't wait for them to get home and for life to go back to normal. Only three more weeks till they get home. I am such a baby. :(
Oh, and heres the entry page I did for Alibi's site but they don;t like it cuz they're shit.
Now honestly, who wouldn't love some old fashioned duck shootin'?
And again, me being lame and playing around with photoshop