Aug 28, 2005 14:03
Heeeeeeeeeeeeeey everybody!!
Wow it's been forever since my last recital eeeeh? Speaking of dance...the Sherry Gold Intensive was in fact amazing...they are soooooo good dude. All the teachers were so dedicatd and passionate about everything they did. I sorta feel bad cuz I go to a dinky little studio (hehehe juuust kidding) but man it was hard but so worth it. I don't really feel like going into detail with it so I'll just leave it at that.
What else...drivers ed! As you may have heard from my dear Joanna...joana. Teehee. Yeah drivers ed was drivers ed, but I can't believe it's over already! Whoo I'm on my way to getting my license...*snickers*
This whole ap and summer reading thing just isn't cool man. I really have trouble concentrating and that leads to me not doing it and that leads to me not going out anywhere. It's a terrible chain, isn't it?
Jono's home though which is cool. It's not really his home anymore but I like to call it that :)
I really hate all that entering so I'm stopping. Oh man guess what I got a puppy dog and her name is Carla. She is a brown pauper terrier...or something like that. She's the CUTEST. :) What else is there to say...don't you hate it when you do a lot of cool things over the summer but by the time you're supposed to write or say something about it you're like "What the fuck DID I do?" But one thing's for sure: summer is OVER people! We have less than 2 days left and I hate how time goes by I hate it I hate it I hate it! I don't even want to talk about junior year because it's just too annoying and stressful.
I feel bad because this entry wasn't really interesting...just me either complaining or talking about random things during the summer. Sucks to be reading this!