Sep 10, 2015 15:22
I don't write much in here, because the interface is really annoying! For those of you who do still update, I would appreciate some pointers...what divice do you use/how do you update?
Brace yourself for me actually updating for awhile...gasp! Dog number five is waiting in California at Guide Dogs of the Desert right now. I know he is a male. I don't know anything else. I don't know what I am hoping for...other than that I am hoping for a dog who is serious, responsible and able to calmly travel in vehicles. I retired Vrona in June. All of her issues that I read in class as over enthusiasm for her trainer ended up being severe anxiety, so I couldn't try anymore. She lives on five acres with four other dogs, and she is almost never home alone. I am happy for her, and I am sad for me...the usual story.
This is going to be the one who will make it with me. I can feel it. I looked into training my own guide again, but none of the dogs seemed to be the right fit. I trust the trainers out at GDD, so we agreed they would watch their dogs and I would watch for a dog here...and whoever had the right dog first would be the route I would take. They called me in Early July to tell me they had a dog for me, and I fly out on Saturday 9/12/15 for the adventure.
Every other time I have gone into class, I have been so excited. Right now, I am just very nervous. I trust they will only give me the right dog, but I am so gun shy after the misadventure that was Vrona. More to come as the journey unfolds.