Aug 18, 2006 23:34

Another photostory...


So... Marion was sitting the other day, trying to have a quiet think...

Me:  Marion?

Marion:  ...Mmmm..?

Me:  Umm...

Marion:  What is it?

Me:  Feel like doing some crafts?  Come downstairs.  I'll show you my bead collection...

Marion:  *surprised*  Oh...  Alright...

So, we went downstairs...  And looked through my big box of beads.

Then, I gave Marion a bowl, with some beads to choose from...

Me:  What do you think of these glass ones?

Marion:  Hmmm...  Those are particularly nice...

Marion:  *sorting through the string of beads*

Mauricee:  *shows up*  mrrrp?  *takes off*

Marion:  Alright...

Marion:  These heart-shaped ones here...

Marion:  I think I've decided...

Marion:  *continues to observe how the beads catch the light*  ...Yes.  I know which one.

Marion:  Yes...  It just grabs my attention...

Me:  The pink one?

Marion:  *frown*

Marion:  No... This one...

Me:  Really?

Marion:  This blue one... with the flower...

Me:  And, it's heart-shaped...

Me:  I wouldn't have figured you for the heart-shaped blue one...  Blue's MY favourite colour...

Marion:  I just really like this one...  It's such a deep colour... I could get lost in it...  It... It calms me...

Me:  *bite my lip*  ... Really...    Ok, no problem.  So, uh...  what colour seed-beads with it?

Marion:  The red ones...

Me:  *taken aback again*  Really?  They're so bold...  Alright, alright...

Me:  *take beads off nylon*

Me:  *set out beads and tiger-tale and crimpers and clasp*

And, about 12 minutes later...

Me:  *self satisfied*  Voila!

Meantime...  Marion seems to be "communing" with Mauricee...  Well, whatever it is, Mauricee looks pretty content.

Marion:  *hums*  mmm... hmm. hmm.  mmmmm... hmm. hmm.

Marion:  *pets Mauricee*  ...mmmmmmmm... hmm.. hmmmmmm!... hmm mm mmmmmm... hmmmm mmmmmmm

Mauricee:  *purrs*

Me:  *smile*  I'm done.

Marion:  mmmm... OH!  Let's see.

Mauricee:  *demands more petting*

Marion:  Mauricee!

Mauricee:  *looks disgruntled*

Marion:  So, let's see it.

Mauricee:  *realises that no petting is forthcoming at the moment... takes off*

Me:  *hand over the necklace*  Here...

Marion:  *takes it*

Marion:  Hmmmm...

Me:  *frown*  Well?

Marion:  *puts it on*

Me:  Well?

Marion:  Hmmm...

Me:  So?  Need a mirror?

Marion:  No.  I know what it looks like...

Me:  *frown*  ... So then, you like it?

Marion:  Yes.  It'll do.

Me:  *another frown*  What will you do with the other bracelets and necklace?  They don't exactly match this... Or, do you care?

Marion:  hmmm...

Marion:  I think I'll leave them for now...



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