Feb 15, 2009 22:06
After all the weeks of neck pain, I felt a bit better the past two days... Only to get some sort of cold/flu instead! Buggerit!!!
Since Saturday night I've had an irritated throat, sniffly nose, achey muscles...
I haven't had a fever yet, but I did take aspirin for the achey muscles.
I'm hoping that having had the flu-shot back in November will help me get through this quickly.
Still, two days now, and my weekend too. wah! *whines*
We did have a nice Valentine's: Went to the Hotel Fort Garry for a one night stay on Friday night. Got a lovely dinner in the evening, and a wonderful brunch on Saturday morning. We love the old Fort Garry.
Got Dan the full-set of "Twin Peaks" on DVD. He's always talked about how much he loved that show, and how good it was. I never watched it myself, b/c when it was playing on TV I thought it was a soap-opera like Dynasty, or something of the sort, and that meant I wasn't interested.
However, since Dan's described the show to me, I got interested, and finally picked it up for him as a Valentine's gift. We've just spent quite a few hours watching it. Haven't finished yet, but got through a lot.
It was QUITE a good show! Good long drawn out mystery, with tributes to many well beloved themes, like Sherlock Holmes, Film Noir, 1950's images of America, and more.
Another week coming up... I'm already tired, and I do hope this cold/flu thing goes away fast!
Oh, and no further news about Mauricee as yet. Will probably take 2-3 more days yet.
twin peaks