Photos from a Walk...

Sep 15, 2008 21:03

We went for a walk today, once Dan got back from work, and before preparing our dinner.  I remembered to take my camera with me this time, and snapped a few images.

So, just for a change, you get pictures of other than dollie stuff!  Ooooo...

This vine actually grows in our yard, climbing onto one corner of the house.  Our neighbors' house is also partially covered in it.  Now, with the lovely berries in such a vivid colour, and the leaves just starting to turn, I thought it would make a great picture.

Don't know what type of berry this is, but when I found it at the edge of a yard down our neighboring street, I felt I had to take a picture of the beautiful vivid colour.  I love the contrast between the green and the red.

One more green and red theme for you.  I liked seeing all the flowers that are still in bloom out there.  This Geranium is certainly not giving up its bloom yet.

"Snow on the Mountain" (I believe that's what the plant is called) surrounding the base of an Elm tree.

We have a lot of Elm trees in the neighborhood.  Elms are kind of the trademark of the neighborhood.  They're very old trees, and have been here probably since the beginning of the 20th century, when so many of the houses were first built.  Most of the houses in the neighborhood were built between 1900 and 1930, I think.  Our own house is from 1905.
Anyhoo...  Hope you enjoyed this little break from dollie-stuff.

autumn, wolseley

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