Things I really want:
1. V6 '05 Concert tour pamphlet
2. Dec. edition of the magazine EYE SCREAM
3. HUD photo book
4. HUD making DVD
I don't know yet how to get #1. I might be able to figure out a way if I think hard enough, but now my brain is too full of upcoming recital anxiety to do that. #2 is easier. Either I go to the local Japanese bookstore and order it tomorrow, or I buy via Amazon Japan. Probably the latter. I guess I should get #3 and #4 at the same time, too.
Ah, that reminds me, I still haven't got Musicmind! (O_O)
I think it was yesterday that V6 held the second "shake hand" event, this time in Hokkaido. According to fans' reports, Hiroshi was a glowing beauty. Yeah! (^v^)
Randomly posting a Captain Jack Sparrow pic, just because I've been reading some POTC slash recently, and Jack has been very delicious in all of them.