As promised, this is my post about Canterlot Gardens. If you don't want to hear about my MLP:FiM adventures, skip this.
I came back to Angola on Thursday night after my last class. Mom and Korey came down to Bloomington to get me and I did the driving back. I didn't realize how much I missed driving until then. It felt so nice to be behind the wheel again. We got back to Angola fairly late, then woke up fucking early Friday morning. Cody and the other guys showed up at my place at around 8 AM. We got the car packed up, I said goodbye to Korey, then we took off for Ohio.
Okay, so. Right out the gate there was hilarity. One of the seatbelts in the back seat was trapped, probably from when we folded those seats down to load up my stuff for moving into my dorm back in August. So Aldrich and Dj had to try to wrestle it out from the seat crack. Cue lots of statements about how "it won't come out" that could be taken wrong. This ended with me pulling over so they could get it out, Dj grunting a lot, and then "it's out!". Yeah. Cody and I could not stop laughing, it was brilliant.
The drive was pretty long and filled with pony music, naturally. When we got to our hotel? ...lmao we found that Cody, in putting off booking a hotel for so long, managed to land us in the ghetto. I have seriously gotten rooms in cheap hotels to just use for the hour because Korey and I were desperate that were nicer. It probably looked pretty bad to the guy we checked in with that it was me and 3 guys, lmfao. The actual room was fairly nice for a cheap hotel, though, to be fair.
Once we were all checked in and shit, we went to the actual con. It was...way too fucking small. If there is a Canterlot Gardens again next year, I really hope they'll move it to a larger venue. This place was so cramped that they seriously had to regulate how many people were in the dealer room at all times. I AM glad they did, though, because I know from experience at anime cons that overcrowded dealer rooms are not fun.
Aside from that, though, it was a fun experience. Event-wise I attended the Fighting is Magic panel, Andrew WK's panel, and the P0N-3 Power Hour, which was essentially the rave. On Saturday I also made it to the MLP production panel. I also did a lot of shopping, spent some time with friends, and got autographs. On Saturday I cosplayed beatnik Rarity. I managed to play one round of Fighting is Magic on Friday night, and now I can't wait until the game is done and I can actually play it.
Friend-wise, obviously I hung out with Cody and Dj. I don't really get along with Aldrich so I more just tolerated him. Also my friend Kalyn, who I met at a local coffee shop in Angola because I was wearing a Rainbow Dash shirt and she stopped me to talk about MLP, was there because I told her and her husband about it. My darling Katie was also there cosplaying Derpy Hooves. Ditzy Do. Whichever you prefer. Quite frankly I don't care.
Here's my (probably incomplete) list of swag:
-free special Applejack card
-Vinyl Scratch plushie (my big purchase, $65)
-box of MLP trading cards (my 2nd biggest purchase, $55. I bought this because they all come with a box topper special card of one of the main villains, and they'd open the boxes up for you to make sure you got the villain you wanted. I of course got Nightmare Moon)
-Octavia custom blind bag figure (3rd big purchase, $40)
-mane 6 shirt and Rainbow Dash shorts from WeLoveFine (mostly bought from them so I could get a Rainbow Dash oversized bag, but omfg I love the shorts, and the shirt's super cute, too)
-Rarity themed Russian style hat (it's SO cute and super soft and warm. It's white on the outside, purple on the inside, and has her cutie mark on the top flap thing)
-Rarity fridge magnet (it says "make sure your produce is fresh, darling")
-Octavia mousepad
-a lovely glass with Rarity's cutie mark on it
-a fanart commission of human Nightmare Moon (it was seriously only $10 and it looks amazing and is in color)
-buttons (Lyra x BonBon, Rarity, Rarity's cutie mark)
-fanart poster of Mio from K-ON! as a pony
-a bottle of ginger ale that had the label removed and a fanart label claiming it is "Rolling Tom" brand pale ale (this is so cool)
-MLP themed soap and sugar scrubs (mini soaps of Rarity and Nightmare Moon's scents, full sized Rainbow Dash soap, 1 set of 4 Rarity sugar scrubs, and 1 set of 4 Rainbow Dash sugar scrubs)
-fanart prints: humanized cracked!Twilight, humanized Rarity with Tom, Rarity as a cabaret dancer, and Twilight Sparkle and Applejack as Iron Man and Thor re-enacting the "dost thine mother know thou wearith her drapes?" scene with Pinkie Pie as Loki in the background
-Autographed photo of Grey DeLisle
-Autographed photo of Tara Strong
-Twilightlicious sunglasses autographed by Tara Strong
Tara also autographed my cracked!Twilight print and 2 of my trading cards; a holo Twilight and a Twilight and future Twilight. A minor tragedy happened re; the trading cards, though. I bought them and was opening them while in line for Tara's autograph. I didn't get all of the packages opened before I got in, though. Later, when I finished opening up the cards, guess what I got? A gold series Twilight Sparkle. Rarest type of card. Would've been amazing to get that autographed. FML. But oh well, overall this was so cool. And Tara is super nice ;3;
Also, if that looks frightening to you, let me just say you should be glad you aren't seeing what all Cody bought. Because holy shit. My photos are in this album. Enjoy!
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