Goodbye LJ, Hello Dreamwidth!

Jan 13, 2012 20:19

So I decided to switch over my personal journal from LJ to Dreamwidth after all. Because holy shit I got
nachtmusik, this is too cool ajdjqahdhq. Don't worry, though, those of you staying on LJ. I'll never get rid of the crosspost, and I'll leave comments to the LJ posts open too.

So. There are things to talk about. Let's start with the big one.


Well. Until I go to IU anyway. We both agreed that after that it'd be impossible to maintain. But STILL. How did this happen? Work. Turns out one of my coworkers is a cool guy, fellow nerd, and asked me out. The date tonight went wonderfully, and I looked fabulous of course.

Even if this bullshit did make me a half an hour late. Whoopsie. Also that gorgeous necklace? Brooke made it for me for Christmas. By "made" I mean she bought the pendants and put them on a cord, but still. I adore this thing omfg.

Also um. Makeup. This is an addiction oh God fuck. Normal people don't go to Sephora and spend $100. Then go to Sephora not even a week later and spend $79. With a $35 trip to Ulta in between. The fuck, self. Well, the first trip was to fill out my collection of nice makeup with a mascara and eyeliner (only things I use regularly and didn't own anything nicer than Hard Candy of). Then I also got an eyeshadow brush, an eyeshadow, and a lipstick. (Specifically, I got Too Faced's Lashgasm, Kat Von D's autograph pencil eyeliner in black, a dramatic eyeshadow brush, Buxom's Saint Bernard eyeshadow which is a lovely seafoam green, and Buxom's Vienna lipstick, which is a light pink. I fucking love this lipstick. Feel free to make fun of me for the name, though. I deserve it.) The Ulta trip was specifically for Too Faced's Candlelight powder, I wanted it for my date. Holy shit I LOVE this stuff. I also got an orange eyeshadow from Nyx since I'd wanted it and it was on clearance. Then the 2nd Sephora trip was mostly for brushes, I got a medium all over eyeshadow brush and a smoky eye brush. Then I also got Buxom's Monte Carlo lipstick, which is a bright obnoxious pink, and a Tokidoki eyeshadow palette that was on sale for $18 (normally $39). Our Sephora isn't a full size free standing one, it's shoved into a JC Penny, so we get screwed over for space on certain brands, and don't even HAVE a section for Tokidoki and Hello Kitty, so I had to snap that up. Tokidoki and Hello Kitty makeup are both not animal tested, btw!

....Then I did a small shopping trip at Wal Mart for some things. I got some more brushes because there are never enough brushes, a new Hard Candy eyeshadow duo (it's purple and pink), and a new Hard Candy lip gloss. ;~; I'm so upset, though. For some inexplicable reason, they got rid of my favorite of their lip glosses and in the most asinine way ever. Drama Queen WAS a nice bright red lip gloss. They still have a lip gloss called Drama Queen, but now it's a fucking sparkly light pink. THEY ALREADY HAVE SEVERAL FUCKING LIGHT PINKS, WHY DID THEY NEED TO KILL MY FAVORITE TO MAKE ANOTHER ONE?! >( so I picked up Exotic instead. It's not the saaaaaaaaaaame ;~; but better than this fucking sparkly pink bullshit.

But on the bright side, I discovered a miraculous substance. Salon nail dryer. Oh. My. God. This stuff is godly. It means I can actually use my Pure Ice nail polishes! Those things dry so fucking slowly ;~; but with this stuff they dry in minutes. There is a god! Also Pure Ice isn't animal tested. Thank God. Since I already can't use OPI ='|. Such bullshit, best nail polish company ever but they fucking test on animals. Fuck that, boycotting them. Butter London and cheap stuff it is.

Also I should talk about Jan. 5th-10th. I had Katie over ;3; <3 God I'd missed her. We had a great time. The first few days were spent passing Fate/Extra back and forth between us rofl. Then on Saturday we went to Ft. Wayne to hang out with Kate and Jackie, which was super fun. And when my $100 at Sephora happened. Sob. I think Jackie and Katie clicked well! It was their first time meeting. Then Sunday we spent with Brooke. She came over here then took us to the video rental place so she could rent Just Dance 3 for us to go play at her house. (I also rented Dragon Age II while there, which I love and will be buying) So we did that and hung out until like. 11. Pretty awesome. Then on Monday we took Brooke to Ft. Wayne, which was excellent. We went to Smokey Bones for dinner, then went to Ulta. The main purpose of that Ulta trip where I bought the Candlelight powder? Was actually to get Brooke to play with makeup some. Now I am not the type who pushes using makeup on people, some people just don't want to and that's fine. But Brooke has always struck me as interested but overwhelmed from how she talks about why she doesn't use it, so I wanted to help her out. And well. lmao. She intended to just play around and not buy anything? But. Uh. She came out with eyeshadow, lip gloss, and glitter. The eyeshadow and glitter were from nice, high end brands, too. And the lip gloss was Nyx, which I highly approve of. I'm so proud of her ;3;

After that we went to an arcade and played ITG/DDR until we physically couldn't anymore. Good times, good times. Katie and I spent some time together dorking that evening, then went to bed. We didn't have much time on the 10th since her train was a 7:33 train so we pretty much got up and dressed and talked on the way to Waterloo, then I sent her off. But yes, great visit was great.

Also in some fucking incredible news? My back is getting better. I found a new chiropractor, and he was actually able to identify the problem and do things that are helping. I am amazed. I might actually get to have a normal life!

Thaaaaaaaaaat's pretty much it. catch you later, DW.

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irl, baby i can save your world, #public, *makeup, apparently i have a social life, shopaholic

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