This is my little girl, Berlitz.
yuffsters' dachshund, Lady, had puppies that were fathered by a neighbor's chihuahua. I got lucky and was able to get one of them (homes for them went fast!) I've been trying to talk my parents into letting me get a dog for years now, ever since Nala died in...2004 I think? But only now got them to agree.
At one point
yuffsters' mom suggested I put her leash on her and let her drag it around to get used to it (as she hadn't really taken a liking to her collar). I did that, but the other two puppies (Hope and Mister) started grabbing her leash in their mouthes and tugging at it. It was kinda funny; they wanted to keep their sister on a leash themselves lmao. I eventually had to stop taking pictures of this and take her leash off. Also for the record, in any group puppy photo in here, Berlitz is the one with the red collar.
She was really calm for most of the ride home, but got spooked in about the last 4th of the trip. She was born in a city, so "outside" to her is houses and grass, not grass and open fields and big trees, which is what it's like between my house and the first town we pass on the way to the city where we got her. It was also starting to get dark there, so she started whining a lot. I sang to her to help her calm down, and once we got into town again she was okay.
The meeting with the cats really surprised me. When we got home, the boys (Fiyero and Mystic) were in the front of the house while the girls (Arlene and Mina) were in the back, so she met the boys first. Mystic's reaction was to go straight to my mom for attention. That's not really surprising. It was one of the possibilities we'd predicted. The part that stunned me was that Fiyero reacted in the exact same way. He rarely ever wants attention from people so badly. He'll let you pet him sometimes, but for him to demand it is rare, and he's never gotten into it for such a long time. So basically getting a puppy had an overall positive effect on the cats so far if Fiyero is being more social because of it. Arlene and Mina were more predicatable. Arlene just sniffed Berlitz a bit, then walked off, and Mina went under the bed for a while. Arlene's been sniffing Berlitz now while the puppy is laying on my bed for a nap. Mina's since come out, too.
Berlitz has spent a lot of time curled up in the middle of my chest ♥
The rest of the pictures: