In honor of the anniversary of the crowning of Emperor Franz Josef and thus of Austria and Hungary's wedding, I decided to be an utter dork and do a cute photoshoot with my Austria and Hungary plushies. I had way too much fun with this.
A romantic dinner date by the lake? Sure why not. Though what's for dinner? There doesn't seem to be any food...Yes my mind is in the gutter and yours are all welcome to join.
Austria, I assume the enormous crowns to match enormous egos were your bright idea? Oh well these are really cute.
Can't wait for the ceremonies and official things to be over so you guys can go someplace more private, huh?
...Screw privacy!
You both really kinda suck at hiding, just so you know.
I really like how this one turned out. I think we all know where this is going...
Yeah I did kinda take all of these with people around that were probably wondering wtf is wrong with me. This was a productive usage of a roll of film! All the props were found on a random trip to Hobby Lobby, and I had way too much fun messing with those ribbons.