(no subject)

Feb 18, 2014 08:45

Urgh. Right now I'm feeling some polyamory problems. I can't seem to get a girlfriend, or even a fwb, to save my life. I'm beginning to wonder if I'm just not attractive or something. A lot of the queer girls around me that I know aren't monogamous and aren't opposed to non-serious relationships, but I can't get any of them interested in me, it seems. This is kinda depressing.

On a more positive note, my Valentine's Day was lovely. Korey and I went to a nice Italian restaurant for lunch and then TGIF for dinner. We also did other things in between lunch and dinner but no one wants those details... Then, Valentine's Day is also the anniversary of our local gay bar, so they had a fucking crazy party. It was awesome. I got so trashed, though. I had a hangover for almost all of Saturday.

Also, I've started getting really serious about working out regularly and I'm pretty proud of myself for that.

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