I didn't want to put it in with that other post since the read more would have this shit and then my naked tits so here it is by itself
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I feel like it's sad how many people feel like they need it, but there are various different circumstances people may have, and if someone will be happier for it and can afford it, they definitely shouldn't be looked down on for it. Another thing people don't seem to realize is that it isn't easy to do. Unfortunately that includes a lot of people who get the surgeries. But yeah, it's VERY physically taxing. I have a friend who recently got a medically necessary nose job (her daughter accidentally broke her septum), and she's in so much pain from the procedure, along with just plain being exhausted. In my case, I've mostly recovered now but when I was still recovering, I had no energy. I also couldn't get up without help, and at first only my boyfriend even could get me up because my parents weren't strong enough. I couldn't help at all, and it had to be done quickly or else it hurt too much. The drains I had were super painful, too. But I'm so glad I did it and I also plan on getting a brachioplasty (arm lift) in the near future, too. Then I'll be 100% happy with myself. I'm both looking forward to it and not, though. I mean, not really being able to use my arms? Shit. Plus I'll have a drain in each arm for that too and I hate drains...
I agree entirely with you re; homosexuality in the Bible. And the new Pope. Honestly though I do understand why Christians get so much shit, considering how many "Christians" make total asses of themselves. I hate those people way more than I hate the people who hate on Christians honestly.
Yes, surgery is a very serious thing of any kind. It's why I've been hesitant to do it, that and lack of funds and needing the funds for other things, but yes, every surgery carries a risk and will have pain and recovery time.
But I'm really glad all this is helping your self-esteem, that will certainly be better for your health in the long run!:)
Yes, those Christians or so-called ones should really think about how they're presenting the faith before they speak. Our goal is to let people know how much God loves them, and they're just making people think the opposite, which is very wrong.
Yeah. In my case it's actually legitimately detrimental to my health, too. There was like 6 pounds of excess skin they cut off my stomach, and just from having a LIFT, not a reduction, my breasts are a lot smaller. All of that weight coming off has helped take pressure off my back. But even then like. I wouldn't have done it if I didn't have the money. Dad got his retirement and was willing to use some of it for this. Otherwise I would've had to just. Bust my ass saving up.
I agree entirely with you re; homosexuality in the Bible. And the new Pope. Honestly though I do understand why Christians get so much shit, considering how many "Christians" make total asses of themselves. I hate those people way more than I hate the people who hate on Christians honestly.
But I'm really glad all this is helping your self-esteem, that will certainly be better for your health in the long run!:)
Yes, those Christians or so-called ones should really think about how they're presenting the faith before they speak. Our goal is to let people know how much God loves them, and they're just making people think the opposite, which is very wrong.
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