Climate skeptics, carbon capture, organic plastic, and corporate sustainability

Nov 23, 2010 11:52

'The planet won't be destroyed by global warming because God promised Noah,' says politician bidding to chair U.S. energy committee.: A Republican congressman hoping to chair the powerful House Energy Committee refers to the Bible and God on the issue of global warming. [London Daily Mail, United Kingdom.]

Of all the stupidest reasons to be a climate skeptic... It's one thing to fall for the media's portrayal of climate change, it's another to just think you can keep extracting resources from the earth and not expect some imbalance in nature.

Fantastic as plastic gets organic.: Plantic Technologies' cutting-edge bioplastic, also called plantic, is made from starch and is not only 100 per cent compostable but also completely dissolves in running water. [Melbourne Age, Australia]

A pretty interesting idea to have organic plastic. I think the best part of this is the multifunctional use of crop and increasing efficiency by not wasting any part of the plant. We need more solutions like this!

What if captured carbon makes a getaway?: Carbon capture and storage below ground may hold some unwelcome surprises, a new study suggests. The carbon could react with minerals and increase levels of pollution in groundwater, perhaps enough to make the water undrinkable. [New York Times]

Carbon capture might eventually be a solution for dealing with greenhouse gas emissions, but right now, these kind of potential accidents just makes me weary of underground carbon capture.

Corporate 'sustainability' push flowers in sluggish economy.: The recession taught many companies that "sustainability" can mean profits. Slashing energy use and streamlining production in hard times, businesses learned that being green made a positive difference in their bottom lines and made a positive impression on Wall Street analysts and investors. [Greenwire]

Very impressed by this! Goes to show that sustainability and streamlining the production chain can be overall more profitable, contrary to the conception that being environmentally friendly means more money. It's also good to see that there are some companies that aren't just going through the motions and greenwashing their products.

environmental news, sustainability is the new green, green, people are idiots, global climate change

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