"I'm just going to say this once"

Nov 22, 2009 21:49

Wellesley women, if you ever see the name Jeremy Pham [Dartmouth dude who's taking classes here this semester], you know to smack down. What a doucebag.

I don't speak much, since I'm pretty reserved by nature and I'm never really around either (I'm always doing projects at the other school in Cambridge). But since Wellesley girls apparently insist on writing false posts under my name, as well as treating my friends that visit here like crap just because they're not 5'9 and don't possess the male-dominated social space of the MIT fratboy that's fucking the shit out of you nightly, I present to you...what normal, rational people think of you girls:

1) You are all a bunch of whores. No, seriously. The stereotype that Wellesley girls obsess over men is so true that it's not even funny. Go to a normal school like Dartmouth (where one of your girls won't leave after 4 terms because she wants to milk the place for all it's worth) and you'll see that nobody there obsesses to the degree that the people in the 5th percentile here do. Consequently, you all make poor decisions. Which is why people on the Internet laugh at you. Which is why people on the Internet will laugh at you even more when I make a reddit post detailing my experiences here.

2) You are all undeserving of the education and opportunities you have received. The sense of entitlement here is actually kind of incredible. Just to make sure it just wasn't me, my friend visiting right now notices it too. And he's much more outgoing, friendly, and chill than I am. But he's not 5'9, so sorry girls. But there are some insecure dudes littering the streets of Commonwealth for your amusement.

3) You are all too easy. Some of us refuse to participate in the orgy of sexual tension here because we want to be respected for who we are, not what we are. Of course, for others, it's as easy as dropping the MIT/Harvard moniker. I mean, what idiot thinks a meaningful relationship can develop out of a superficial encounter at a party? Seriously, WTF. At my school, there aren't that many relationships. But at least we're honest about the fact that most of us are just merely infatuated with the other party, and not actually "in love."

Do not make up shit under false pretenses. Do not treat my friends like shit. Do it one more time, and I will sue you. It's so funny that there's this Wellesley Community discussion group thing going on, but if you girls can't do something as trivial as leave me alone to do my own thing, you guys have no shot at forming a cohesive community. No fucking chance.

And I'll just sit back and enjoy the schadenfreude.

EDIT: It gets better!

"I'm really sorry"...for ever coming here. And calling all of you whores. Clearly, some of you are still very upset about my Community post, but I have learned a lot about the difficulties that a woman faces every single day in America. It brings a tear to my eye (metaphorically) to know that some of you are very passionate about women's rights, but I feel that your energies are misdirected. Sure you will deal with me and eradicate me from this campus in style, but your problems will still be there. Your inability to get to the root of the issues that plague our world will still be there. While other guys give me fist pumps and brag about their conquests at this school, I must endure the brunt of your criticisms so that you may all be united under the banner of activism.

And it worked perfectly.

There are real instances of women here actually being alienated from the rest of the Wellesley community. There are real cases of rape and belligerent boyfriends. My hope was that you would all unite to chastise such an extremely contemptible figure so that these issues cannot be ignored. Because honestly, what's the difference between saying thoughts behind your backs, and posting them live? There is no intrinsic difference. And yet, the perception differs, and so I wanted to explore that today. My hope was that some of these alienated women on campus can venture out of their rooms and be embraced by a community that's trying to flame me relentlessly. If I had written something benign, only a few people would have acknowledged it, and that would have been that. Nothing like controversy to stir up the day.

While I was writing the apparently insufficient apology last night, the police officer came into my room to make sure that everything was okay. I chuckled and told him that everything was okay. He wanted to offer me protection from the perhaps inevitable fallout from my polemic. Later, he read my letter and told me that it was cool, and it was the best I could have done...

Also, controversies like this happen all the time. Given the knowledge that the ACLU has my back and that I'm protected by the First Amendment, and the fact that friends who were journalists at other schools attempted similar stunts (with surprising degrees of success that resulted from open dialogue), I figured that this could turn out to be pretty sweet. And just so you know, nothing will happen to me. So for those of you seeking administrative intervention, you are only wasting your time. And for those of you seeking media attention, by all means. But understand that it'll also mean that I get my facetime, and you just can't spin a 2300 gang up on a lone campus figure in any positive way, especially given that I was trolling (even then, you wouldn't need that requirement). Also just so you know, assault or throwing water at someone's face is not protected by the First Amendment (or any). Of course, the event was trivial enough as it was, but if things escalate...

And do any of you honestly believe that I hold these misogynistic views? Please. Get real here. I hold a degree from the best trolling school of all time. I was pissed that you guys used my identity though. And to be honest, this whole debacle IS kind of hilarious. Let's be honest here. It's pretty damn hilarious.

womynism, people are idiots, wellesley blue

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