Today, 22nd June is a day where now I'm sitting in my chair with my finger dancing lively on this keyboard while you, in a atmosphere that I'm not knowing at all. I should know it's rude to entering other's privacy.
22nd June. To tell, I'm new for knowing you. It's already 2 years since I know Hey! Say! JUMP and knowing about you. At first hearing Hey! Say! JUMP name when I was form 2 (now I'm form 4) from my friend. That time, she love Yamada and from her I know Hey! Say! JUMP. Only name. Not the songs, neither the faces. I though that, 'what Hey! Say! JUMP? Childish name for a bunch of guys' Gomen for my thought that time. But, now that I knew the reason for that name, somehow I feel proud. =D
But, eventhough I know already about Hey! Say! JUMP and starting to know the members, but Keito, Yuyan, and you are the least three that I know. Hahaha,,, I'm still remember the nickname that I gave to you , --> lelaki kacak/ jate semak(handsome guy) since I'm not remember your name in HSJ. Gomen, again. And now, it's over a year that you and Yuto being my ichiban. Knowing HSJ, Hika's my first ichiban then don't know how, Yuto take over his place in my love chart XD. Then, a month later after I'm watching again and again all the videos of HSJ, you share the postion with him. Ahaks,, I'm greedy, right..? Okay, talking about the past again, I don't believe you sharing the same age with my eldest brother.Yes, I'm suprised~! I mean that the age doesn't suit both of you and my brother. Hmm..
Okay, I would to share why I like you. I think that you're gentleman and elegant<--my type. Then, your skill on piano really caught my heart. I love guy who can play instrument especially keyboard@piano or drums. I love your curly hair and your beautiful finger. Even my fingershape isn't that beautiful although I'm a girl. But, the most reason why I like you because you kind of a person who look caring to the members although I don't know you much. I'm just know your profile and scrimpy about your life as a fan should know. I don't put too much hope for meeting you even as a fan. It's enough for me just knowing the scrimpy piece of Inoo Kei.
By then, I hope for your 22nd years, you can get the best for your life. *I'm not good in wishing people. Just a typical wish I can say. But, I'm saying it from my heart and I hope that you can graduate excellently.
♥O║ T║ A ║N ║J ║O║ U║ B║ I ║ O ║M ║E ║D║ E ║T║ O ║U ♥