Mexican Standoffishness

Sep 19, 2007 15:22

Whenever I go to nice Mexican restaurants these days, I feel like I am betraying Taco Bell. It's like Taco Bell and I used to be really good friends, probably best friends, in high school. But then we both went to the same college, and I met some different, more sophisticated friends that I hang out with all the time. And Taco Bell doesn't say anything, but when I invite Taco Bell to come with us, Taco Bell just says "no, thanks. I'm just going to stay here and study." And I know it hurts Taco Bell's feelings, but my new friends think that Taco Bell is weird and low class and can't believe that I would want to hang out with Taco Bell in the first place. And now Taco Bell and I have this rift between us, and I don't think that we'll ever have the same relationship that we used to. And now when I go to Taco Bell it's weird, and Taco Bell is all like "Oh, I see you're just driving through." And I say "yeah, sorry. I can't sit down and eat, I have somewhere to be. But we should totally hang out this weekend." And Taco Bell agrees that we should totally hang out this weekend, but both of us know that we won't.
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