March Challenge Request List

Mar 02, 2006 08:21

I forgot. I thought it was still February. Sorry.

If you are unclear on the rules, please see this post.

Ah, March. The spring has sprung, the grass has ris' -- I wonder where the slashers is? It's time to get those boys out of scarfs and mittens and into something, er, less restrictive. Be it happy-fluffy whispers in the rose garden or angst in spring showers, we want to see your cookies.

Post your challenge in a reply by March 5th, and I'll distribute them in a subsequent reply on March 6th. For my sanity, please use this template:

Keywords: (There should be three)
Dialogue: (One is optional)

Once your cookie is complete, post it to this community anytime between March 25th and March 31st. Please do not post your cookie elsewhere before the deadline. You can pimp it, post it, read it from the hilltops as soon as the month has passed. I'm not going to require challenges be beta-read at this point, either, though I will strongly suggest it.

Comments, of course, screened for SooperSeekritSeekrecy

challenge request list

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