Our Lo-ove story part 3

Jul 23, 2010 01:30

 After the slightly embarrassing Valentine's dance, life seemed to speed up for me and slow down at the same time. The 2002 Olympic's began and with that ceremonial torch...haha just kidding.
Both my mom and dad decided to volunteer at the Olympics. It was an amazing time. I wish that I had been better at writing in my journal because as I said things happened very quickly.  
Its funny because I can't remember Daven being around too much after the dance. Danny and I became ever closer as friends, however he gave up on Shoe Girl and I was redirecting my affections on The Squinty-Eyed-Jerk. This guy was in choir, a madrigal as was Danny, and in Drama, coincidentally.  So I shamelessly hit Danny up for more advice and tips.
Danny and I were in the musical Footloose as was the SEJ. I seem to recall we were dance partners? We had rehearsal almost everyday at this point, my parents were gone most of the days and so I was all over socializing. I remember having fun making faces at Danny during his big solos. :P Naturally SEJ seemed very attractive to me, as does anyone with whom you are in close proximity. (just look at actors) But he definitely had a closed personality, which made things tricky. Of course, I like a good challenge. (ie, I'm stupid) 
Every year at my old high school, they throw a surprise dance. Pretty much what it sounds like. The Surprise Dance was announced for the Saturday before the musical opened. I immediately asked SEJ, although I don't remember what creative, but oh so cool way I asked. I encouraged Sydney to ask Danny, because we had all been hanging out together and I wanted her to take someone awesome and friendly. SEJ replied,"yes" but I had the feeling his heart wasn't in it. But that was ok, because Danny was certainly giving me more attention. 
Sydney and I planned to go with a larger group of couples to the dance and we were having a great time planning and enjoying the freedom the Olympics brought. I went to see Smashmouth play at the Olympics and spent a good portion of my time wandering around the downtown set-up.  Preparations for hte musical demanded more time and Danny and I were together a lot! We would stop and chat in the halls between classes, he and I were in the weight room for the same class period. His occasional looking at me when I wasn't, was not lost on me. 
and then it happened one day. I remember very clearly, that I was going to a mutual activity and I had brought my reading assignment along and it hit me out of nowhere that Danny Hovley really liked me, more than just friends. And Amazingly enough I knew I liked him back too. Yes, I was a little dramaric about it, Syd kept asking what was wrong and had to bring me back into reality. She finally asked me if she should call somebody, (like my constant dreamy attitude was annoying the crap out of her.) 
"No, I just realized that I like Danny."
Sydney rolled her eyes.
"You finally figured it out, huh?"
 A smile crept onto my face, happiness seemed to be coming from everything, even the copy of Hamlet I held in my hand.
Until I realized that I was going to a dance with some other guy.

danny, love story

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