Yeah Sparky's coming home today! I'm so happy. I just wish I wan't stuck in the OR until 500. 430 at the earliest. Anyway. I got my wish though. I'm in a Heart case today. I'll update more on that later. I also got to make my first pie yesterday. It turned out really well. or so everyone tells me.
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And do not use your blowdryer while you are asleep. This warning comes with every blowdryer available for purchase, and frankly I think it's been ignored too often, with sad consequences. Babies are notoriously upset by sad consequencs, you know.
And do not eat the bag of cat hair that we're sending you in the mail. It's actually a gift from Nolan so you can make a pillow for the baby. If the baby finds you've ingested it instead, it will be very upset.
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