Life and Realizations About Myself And Other Life Altering Things

Sep 24, 2012 23:15

So business continues to be up and down, along with many other things. I kept meaning to post on here sooner, but something has continually stopped me and I believe has been the biggest reason why I trailed off on posting on here before.

As some or many or maybe none of you know I quit drinking. This past June it was two years. Much has changed both internally and externally in those two years. After about a year I kinda trailed off on posting and many other things that I use to do before I quit drinking. Many of these things I didn't really know why. Then I started rereading Zen and the Art Of Motorcycle Maintenance. In the book the narrator  tells how Phaedrus 's personality was liquidated by electric shock. Well, best if I just quote the two paragraphs that smacked me in the face the other day and made me sit up and take notice.
The I is the narrator and the him is Phaedrus. "I have never met him. Never will. And yet strange wisps of his memory suddenly match and fit this road and desert bluffs and white hot sand all around us and there is a bizarre concurrence and then I know he has seen all of this. He was here, otherwise I wouldn't know it. He had to be. And in seeing these sudden coalescences of vision and in recall of strange fragments of thought whose origin I have no idea of, I'm like a clairvoyant, a spirit medium receiving messages from another world. That is how it is. I see things with my own eyes and I see things with his eyes too. He once owned them."

After reading that I realized that is how I feel about many of those things that I drifted or some times ran away from since I've gotten sober. This is especially true for people that I knew before I quit drinking.  God knows if any of this is making sense, but I write this for me.  
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