HP Fanart - omniocular challenge

Feb 01, 2006 23:14

For the January challenge at omniocular. Let's ignore the fact that today's already February, shall we?

Characters: Dumbledore, Draco and Grabbe-and-Goyle girls
Rating: G
Medium: pencils again. I'm getting very repetitive with what I draw and how I draw it, have been for a while now, but somehow I don't know how to get out of it. I don't want to draw stuff that looks all the same, but whenever I try some new ideas, I always come back to a few elements that I've already used over and over again before.

Bigger scan at devArt ~~~ Community post (for my own reference)

Master List of Fanart

The theme was:
Janus, the two-faced god of doors and gateways, beginnings and endings, looking forward and looking back; he is a symbol of transitions and changes, of the middle ground between old and young,peace and war, barbarism and civilization.
Obviously, I drew Dumbledore and Draco in the character roulette. I first wanted to draw the astronomy tower scene, as it seemed the most obvious, but then I decided that I want to save up this scene for another drawing. As for this one here, you're free to interpret it however you want to, although I of course had some ideas of my own.

Sorry that the picture is in some parts less yellow than in others, my scanner is having troubles with this lately.

dumbledore, draco, hp_fanart

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