HP Fanart

May 03, 2006 12:53

Well, well... a week, scrap this, two days ago I would have said I'd never, never ever draw femmeslash. I just don't like it. You might say that it kind of squicks me - reading or drawing it. But I did. Draw it. Because... I don't know why. It wanted to be drawn?

Anyway, it's for smut_wednesday, a bit messy - it was done fairly quickly, because I had only a few hours for it. The post with fools_trifle's wonderful Rosmeta/Hooch art is here and my own drawing - the coloured and the ink only version are here:

Characters: Ginny/Hermione,
Rating: R?
Warnings: a bit.. of bondage, minimal only and I realised that what Hermione's doing might be considered biting...
And fools_trifle also came up with this awesome title:

NWS image, adults only!

I must admit that I like the ink only version much better:

NWS image, adults only!

ginny, hp_fanart, smut, hermione

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