Oct 30, 2004 08:35

im reaLLy sick and tired of gawd dam peOple teLLin OtHur PeoPle about mee! whO Df R YEW? last i recaLL it , I onLy can tell sumOne bOut MEE nOt YEW! da phunny shiit isz that da onesz whO sayN im DiSz and DaT are the onesz whO knO jacK shIIt aBout mee . . itsz ah whOle bunch of she say ShE say buLL . . and quite frankLy im tired of the draMa wiff peOple whO dOnt kno shiit abOut me!thisz is soO stupid! is it b/c i knO CarLa??? WdF i HOPE it aint! wha mee and CarLa taLk abOut isz ummmm ME + CARLA'sz business. . yew cant tell hur whO nOt to taLk tO wdf are yew carLa'sz mothur??? nO!! ya nOt! soO back up off carla! dAm i mean whOa is her shit gOlden or sumthing?i mean YAWL keep tellin carLa shiit abOut me like itsz reaLLy gOnnur dO sum gOod . . ummmm IT DOESNT! she isz ma friend and she doesnt listen tO fricKn peOple runnin they mouf abbOut me womP! i wanna knO where DF yawL get these LIST of fOckn people i used tO talk to . . wdf i havent talked tO HALF of them dam peOple in ma life . . wdf i have nOt EVUR talked to ______! or _______________________________ <- - - thatsz ah dam SHAME! reaLLy tO the AnOnymOusz persOnsz caLLn me ah whore . . LOOK NDA MIRROR . . dOnt JudGe Mee when YoUre afraiD tO be judged OKI? CAPEESH MOTHAFOCKASZ???? Yea oki i thOught sO


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