ahhh i cut mii hair! LoL wha chur think??? i took this yesturday.. ..
anyhOo i went to tracK practice and ran 6 timesz around and did sum sprintsz wiff the guysz . . umm aftur that i went to the mall and looked at sum ringsz . . im finna get ah 300$ ring , urh . . i talked to sumone today . .
*edit* 9:30 am
wow lol i dint kno i was alllll that geesh TaY did yur save sum for the birdsz . . . . womp i really dont care wha u say tay u jusz madd and u wiLL get ovur it . . im sure u have ah couple of 13 yr oldsz lined up for yur . . lmaO . . hahahaha now that sum reaL talk for ya! womP we kno u finnur gO to the jaiL . . u stay in da jaiL bait aisLe! womP womP womp . . pssh dont get madd cuz i kno sumone who is on ma levuL! lol they have prioritiesz!!!!! lol unlike u . .u date anything under 15 . . soO get df out ma face . . "i-net pimp" that shit hoe! *wdf i-net pimp??? all da fukkin girlsz u be talkin to....nevur the FOcK mind nuqqa . .* jusz dO me ah favor and keep me out yur mind + mouth nuqqa