Snowflake 2024 1-3

Jan 06, 2024 16:37

1. Update your fandom information
This was pretty much still up to date, not much changed in 2023, but I did check it over.

2. Set yourself some goals for the coming year
Not going to call these goals, because that's too demand-y. Instead, my hopes for this year:
- As mentioned in my book post, I want to read more books that were originally written in Dutch
- I hope to be able to catch up with Doctor Who this year
- I would love to be able to add some works to my Fandom 100 project

And, like very year, my only non-fannish goal is to be myself more and more loudly.

3. Create a wish list of fandom things (podfic, graphics, playlists, canon recs translations, research help, vids, sky's the limit!) that you'd like to receive.

- Luna Lovegood fic recs
- Sara/Grissom LJ icon(s)
- Recommendations for epistolary books (or fics!)
- Share your favourite musical albums! I'm not really into the classic musicals; my interest mainly starts around the time of RENT. I also love the music of We Are The Tigers, Daddy Long-Legs ...
- Comments on my fics always make me happy

comm: snowflake_challenge

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