The rain it raineth every day...

Feb 20, 2006 23:02

So, it turns out that I'm probably not going to be able to graduate this November like I was hoping to do. Some of the credits that I had counted might not be usable after all, and so it puts me back a significant amount. I did the Arts Advising Graduation Self-Check and without those credits...well, November is not going to happen. However, I do still have hope. I'm going to make an appointment with an advisor sometime in the next couple weeks and maybe he'll have better news for me. I've got all my paperwork together and my summer courses picked out so he'll be able to see what is needed to complete my degree. I'm pretty sure that November is going to be out of the question no matter what, but...I refuse to give up hope.

I was so angry about this earlier. I'm so tired of school and I just want to get into Library school so I can get my Master's and finally become a librarian. I think a lot of my disappointment comes from the fact that, after four years, I never really found anything that I loved. I mean, I love English but none of the courses that I took (except Globe's Biblical Backgrounds to English Literature) really inspired anything in me other than vague interest. The courses were perfectly good - good professors, good course material, fair exams, interesting essays - but nothing spectacular. And I'm not even going to touch the huge wastes of time that were my electives. I understand why they require us to take courses outside our specializations but...the thought that I have to stay for an extra term just to get my stupid elective requirements makes my blood boil.

Yeah, that's right - I don't have enough upper level electives. By the end of November, I will have taken all the upper level English courses that I need, but I won't have enough electives. Thus, my incredible anger. It's seriously the dumbest thing in the world but...unfortunately that's the way this institution works. Although, if I hadn't taken so many lower level electives I'd be golden, so really, it's my own fault. I was just...hoping that since English wasn't the fabulous dream that I had thought it would be in high school, that maybe there was something else out there that I would love more. So I kept trying out different courses, hoping to find something. All I found was more frustration and anxiety, and I'm so tired and angry because of it.

But...I guess I'm not as angry as I was a couple hours ago. After two bottles of water, a chocolate chip cookie, several crying fits and extensive abuse of the English language, I've come to realize that graduating next April is not the end of the world. Yeah, it sucks that I'm going to be stuck at school for another year but it doesn't have to be as crap as this year has been.

First of all, no Latin. Therefore freeing up my feeble mind to actually realize that I have other courses. Second, I will only be taking three courses a term instead of four. Now, I did that last year and it was wonderful. I had lots of time for work and homework while still taking enough credits to get a U-Pass (a cheaper bus pass for students). If I schedule my courses wisely I should have plenty of time to work and make money. Which, really, is of huge importance right now as next year's trip to the Philippines might be more expensive than we are planning on, and I'm definitely moving out by the end of next year.

So, all in all, it's not as bad as it could be and I (probably) won't die from being in school an extra year.
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