Jan 29, 2006 22:24
I will arise and go now, for always night and day
I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore...
I have spent the weekend reading the book that inspired me to take Latin in the first place, and I'm beginning to remember why I fell in love with the language in the first place. It all goes back to my adolescent preoccupation with death and the sort of arcane knowledge that Latin seems to pair so well with. As a dead language, Latin has something that other languages don't have - that sense of knowing something forbidden, or stumbling across ancient secrets. I know I still have a long way to go before I even get close to being able to translate actual texts on my own, but I'm remembering how to love that pursuit of knowledge again.
Magister Todd's passive voice drills never looked so glamorous.
I hear it in the heart's deep core.