If you ever had a Mage PC, you need to read this......

Sep 22, 2005 01:47

Hi guys!

Please forward to other lists as you feel applicable. This post is to let players know what the end situation is so that they can make appropriate choices for themselves and their PCs.

THIS KIT MIGHT APPLY TO YOU EVEN IF YOUR PC IS CURRENTLY DEAD (so read it! hint hint, nudge nudge). :P

It's been a wonderful chronicle, an honor to ST for you guys as part of it, and I hope you all have had as much fun as I have! Thank you, very much.


Ascension Awakened and Partially Awakened
Release: September 1, 2005 (to STs) Range: Global
Start Date: September 25, 2005 End Date: November 1, 2005
Point of Contact: Jessi Hixon, AAMST Metaplot & Settings- Mage, the appropriate ANST Mage


1. Read the entire Plotkit thoroughly.
2. Obey the rules of the Plotkit.

No- seriously. Don't cheat! Cheeseweasels are not cool, even at the end. Have a little self-respect and respect for others and contribute constructively towards a meaningful ending to an epic chronicle.

3. That said; have fun!


To everything there is a season, it's said. Vampires and wraiths came and went with the destruction and restoration of the Lower Umbra. Garou came and went with the changeable vitality of the Middle Umbra. Demonic forces brought the High Umbra crashing down around the world's ears. And as the natural vacuum created by the absence of that final layer of reality calls the Mages towards their own season's end, they find the continuation of a complex and very fundamental cycle has been left in their hands. The old has been torn down, but the new remains to be forged; and Mages, of course, are reality's natural forgers. The following kit takes a two-pronged approach to the end of the world and the role the Mages play in it, both as a group and individually.

Individually, this kit provides mechanics for judgement; however, it's not the judgement of the mages by the Tellurian or God or some third party power that's important here. On the start date of this kit, every whole non-Nephandic avatar will be reunited with the last human host it had; its last mage. For current PCs and NPCs, this won't change anything. For dead Mage PCs or NPCs whose avatars were not destroyed and have not yet reincarnated in the continuity of this chronicle, they will be brought back to PC status under the last VSS the PC was assigned to in a spectral state (please see mechanics below for details). This is not an option for PCs whose current status is desanctioned, nor can further appeals be made to such desanctionings due to the invocation of this plotkit. Once avatar and mage are reunited (or continue to be united), mages should be RPing their last personal needs; to say they love someone, that they're sorry, that they had failures and victories, to share this sign of the end with each other; this is a gift. At any time during the start of this kit and local dawn on All Saint's Day, November 1st, 2005, the mage may choose to enter into their final Ascension seeking, in which their avatar will tell them in their own paradigm the truth about avatars (Demon: The Fallen, Houses of the Fallen sourcebook has this info- summary will follow shortly for those who don't have this book), and during which the mage will need to judge their own avatar, thereby determining their eligibility for Ascension. This is the judgement that should be emphasized. All mages will begin their Ascension seekings prior to November 1st at dawn in their location, as Judgement for the Sleepers will arrive with the Red Star on All Saint's Day.

As a whole, there will be some things that are characteristic to all Ascension seekings and to the setting of the venue overall as we go into the final month that define the overall place of Mages in the grand scheme, both to ensure continuity as well as to make sure some information and themes are not lost. The last thing all Mages see, whether they Ascend or not, is the fruits of their labor; as the High Umbra is rebuilt and the Red Star moves closer and closer, bringing what they will understand in the terms of their paradigm to be judgement for the Sleepers. While other supernatural creatures paved the way with events affecting the layers of the umbra, the mages are the lynchpin group, necessary for completing the final step of establishing the new High Umbra, the final new heaven before a new earth can begin. Mages who forgive their avatars and return them to the cycle will see them form the new High Umbra. Those who damn their avatars to the pit of hell or the nothing of oblivion will understand they sacrificed part of the potential of the world's rebirth on their way out. Whatever decision the Mage makes about what happens to their soul at the end of the seeking, they will no longer have contact with Mages who have not yet completed or begun their own Ascension seekings.

The bottom line is that Ascension is whatever you make of it; it's the choices you make as a person that change the world.


This is the final chapter; the requiem for a dream; the end of the journey. We have arrived at the clearing at the end of the path, and we have all done many things to get here and seen many things along the way and we are all in many states when we arrive here. We're not sure what comes next. We can only take comfort in the presence of each other and the nobility of the works we achieved along the way.
We can only hope it was enough. And have the courage to keep stepping forward until the clearing claims us from the path.




PHASE I- And the Dead Shall Walk the Earth
Begins: 10/1/05 Ends: Dawn at local time, 11/1/05


Risen PCs come back as discorporeal Mages in any location within the
confines of the VSS they were last attached to (or the Region of that VSS if that VSS is no longer active) at the discretion of the VST (or RST/ARST Mage). As discorporeal Mages, they cannot be seen or heard by Sleepers (exception; Clearsighted merit may test to see; Supernatural or Sorcerous Awareness merit may test to see- neither will understand the discorporeal Mage); however, other Awakened and partially Awakened see and communicate with them just fine. They will not know why they are back, except to have a compelling feeling of urgency, that they are back for a reason and the reason is because we're at an immensely critical point in the history of the world.


Discorporeal Mages may be seen briefly by those with appropriate merits (listed above), but not communicated with by them. Awakened or partially Awakened individuals may communicate and see Discorporeal Mages. Discorporeal Mages have the same character sheet they had at PC death, or an approximation thereof approved by their VST (or ARST/RST in the case of folded VSS). They have gained no XP since death, and if their foci are not of a nature that they can still manipulate them, they cannot use them. Their spheres work and spheres work on them just as if they were normal Mages with bodies.

Discorporeal Mages only can also see, but not interact with, vampires who were judged Meek and who are still wandering the earth, able to watch but not to see. Note that Meek should not show any truly passionate emotion in regards to anything, for if they have done this, they would no longer be in the Meek state. Meek should be, well, meek. It is expressly forbidden for the Meek that the Discorporeal Mages spot to have ever had PC or NPC status in the Cam/Anarch or Sabbat venues. Use completely new Meek.


Excellent roleplay. Freaked out Mages, both Discorporeal and not. The end of the world starting to really feel like the end of the world after a Year of Fire that's lasted well over a year.


Discorporeal Mages will not have any more answers than their living counterparts. They may not at first understand that they were dead and now they are simply discorporeal. They may remember the process of dying, they may not. They may remember being in their cultural equivalent of heaven or hell; this may or may not be true. Their presence will cause as many questions as it may answer.

Those who have Discorporeal Mage PCs may play on IRC if their VST (RST/ARST) deems they have the appropriate spheres to turn on a computer and log in. They will find, however, that only through Techn0rphan's server does their ability to communicate with others via this method work. Leaving notes or sending email for Sleepers will not work, nor will using magic to communicate with Sleepers be

PHASE II- The Individual Ascension Seeking
Begins: Player discretion, as early as 10/1/05 Ends: Seekings must
be started by 11/1/05

These are the OOC Rules for running an Ascension seeking; IC requirements will be covered in the next section.

-The experience of the Ascension seeking will be determined in a manner chosen by the player. If the player of the PC would like that PC's Ascension seeking to be run by an ST out of their chain, another player, or would like to write it themselves, all of these options are fine. At this point in the chronicle, who does what is not nearly as important as ensuring that the players are comfortable with the manner in which the ending occurs, regardless of whether or not they like the endings themselves. While STs retain jurisdiction over the settings within their boundaries and the travels of PCs in and out of those jurisdictions, Storytelling authority over the headspace of each PC will go to the player of that PC for the duration of this chronicle.

-The player will pick the time at which they would like to stop RPing with other Mage PCs and enter their Ascension seeking. At the conclusion of the seeking, regardless of the choice of the Mage to return to the earth or other Mage-accessible realm, there will be no more interaction with other active PCs. The character is done at that point. Those who plan to make ACC, ICC or the UK SE Regional should not enter their seekings until during or after those conventions, if they wish to play at them.

PHASE III- Group Hallmarks of all Ascension Seekings
Begins: After the Ascension Seeking Ends: Dawn at local time, 11/1/05

The following is a list of symbols and/or themes and ideas that will be present in every Ascension seeking, regardless of the outcome, and in a manner which will be understandable by the paradigm of the individual Mage. No seeking that does not include all of the following used appropriately will be sanctioned as part of the chronicle. These are here to let the player and the Mage understand where they fit in the bigger picture, and to add to the story, not to confuse, upset or override what the players want.

-The avatar must explain the history of avatars to the Mage, and the Mage must at some point judge the avatar to determine its fate. The Mage should understand what the implications of its decision are (avatar back to High Umbra works with the Tellurian and reinforces the world moving forward, avatar into hell removes the avatar but does not work towards constructively towards world renewal, etcetera; see Houses of the Fallen or summary TBA).

-The Mage must decide what it wants to be or do at the end of the seeking; leave whether or not this is "Ascension" to the player to determine. Ascension does not need a standard, codified definition.

-The Mage should understand the place of the supernaturals as preparers of the new umbra and Mages' place in particular as those who seal the fate of the world by finishing the last step of this process.

-The Mage should understand that the Red Star is the judgement of humanity and that the finalization of the new umbra will provide the mechanism for its descent to humanity to begin the new earth. There is no need to directly define what judgement for humanity will be like.

-Don't limit the Mage on what the fate it can determine for either itself or its avatar. The only disallowed options are; becoming a Demon, becoming an Angel, becoming a god/celestial, becoming Garou or becoming a Vampire.


A LiveJournal community will be opened starting September 25th for Cam members to join to post their stories from the Mage: The Ascension chronicle, creating an internet scrapbook where we can share and enjoy parts of the chronicle we might not have encountered while playing. No formal report is necessary. This LJ, http://www.livejournal.com/community/thefragilepath will also continue to be used for IC news stories throughout the end of the chronicle. Send submissions to Chris Buser at christopherbuser@comcast.net for posting.

Bibliography- Mage: The Ascension, Demon: The Fallen, Demon: Houses of the Fallen, Ascension, Days of Fire (Talbot edition).

Jessi Hixon
AAMST Metaplot & Settings- Mage
ICC 2005 Venue Lead Storyteller- Mage
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