Yo. *awkward wave*
Life is busy, work is frantic, and while my brain wants to watch about 20 different new things and read a bunch of books and write fanfic and original fic... none of that keeps happening? I just sit and read Tumblr and rewatch "Arrow" over and over and then it's time to go to bed? It's frustrating.
I need to do something because I need to break up with a couple Arrow WIPs. One of them involves Felicity being about to marry Ray and starting to cheat on him with Oliver. I'm not a fan of cheating fics, since I find that behavior despicable in real life, but I started reading it because I was in that "I will read anything" mode, but it's just dragging on and on and the writer has done a terrible job of making it seem like there's any reason for Felicity to stay with Ray at all. (Also I don't see Felicity as someone who would ever cheat, especially not when she's about to marry the guy.)
The other one is just a hot mess. It's enormous, I've been reading it since winter, and it keeps dragging on. There's a lot of violence, including sexual violence and also some seriously kinky stuff that I've skimmed over because it's too extreme for me, but the thing that's annoying me the most at this point is that Felicity does nothing but fall apart and cry until Oliver cradles her in his arms, or get treated like a fucktoy by everyone. Sometimes both in one chapter. But the sunk cost fallacy, I've been reading this thing for so long, I want there to be a point to it! Argh. (Also the author continually uses the word "azure" to describe eye color. "Azure pools" to be exact. WTH.)
OK now that I've vented all of that hopefully I will click the unsubscribe buttons at least.
So other things: um *checks when I last updated, holy shit*
- Liked Avengers 2, not as much as the first one, got highly defensive of Joss Whedon as usual.
- LOVED LOVED LOVED "Mad Max Fury Road." Possibly the best movie of the year. Lots of awesome meta floating around on Tumblr about that one.
- "Inside Out" made me cry. I overidentified with Sadness.
- Not going to see "Ant-Man." Got spoiled for the post-credits scene so I don't feel a need.
- Have not seen "Magic Mike XXL" but will rent - can't handle my embarrassment squick enough to see it in the theaters.
- Have zero interest in the Batman vs. Superman thing or any of the DC movie universe. The real Deadshot is the guy from "Arrow" for me now.
- "Arrow" finale stunned me. Guys, I've never had a happy OTP, ok? Most of my OTPs aren't even canon so I just... I don't know what to do with this. I know there'll be angst and Issues and shit before the S4 premiere is half over but for right now my OTP is happy and together and having a lot of sex and I'm just *flail*
- "The Flash" is okay. I find it too silly to really love. I really don't want to watch the new spin off but Sara! Dammit.
- I seem to have stopped watching SYTYCD? I don't even know what night it's on at this point.
- Ecstatic about the second season of "Agent Carter." Best show I've seen in ages.
- I don't think I'm even watching any other shows? I'm 2 seasons behind on "Orphan Black" now.
- I may be the only geek in the world who isn't caring at all about the X-Files reboot. I stopped watching the show way before it ended, and I'm so, so tired of reboots and shit.
So, how're you all?
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