Was that John Barrowman on "Arrow"? Playing a bad guy?
So Digg reacted pretty predictably. I'm glad he was on board at the end there, but then of course Oliver got arrested? I didn't think the cops were going to show up so fast. I'm not sure how he gets out of this.
I liked the interaction between him and his sister there. She's fun when she's not being a brat.
So Walter (the dad?) isn't evil, apparently. Just Mom is in the Evil League of Evil. And she not only blew up the yacht they pulled the pieces to... do something evil with them, I guess.
I was hoping Laurel would kick a *little* ass before nearly getting killed, after last week. I mean, getting thrown by a guy twice your size into a fence would shock anyone, but still.
I don't really want her and Oliver to get together? I was kind of rooting for his buddy to turn into a decent human being. Not that I would kick Oliver out of bed for eating crackers, but we all know he's a bad bet.
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