I'd forgotten

Jan 05, 2011 19:17

Have been randomly watching SGA episodes from S3, and tonight was "Return Part 2." I'd forgotten all the little moments between people they had back when the show was actually good. Like Carson's "Thank you dear" to Teyla as he sits in the chair.

When they have Niam in the jumper and Elizabeth says "But if he so much as twitches..." and Ronon taps his ARG reassuringly. And the look she gives him when John reminds them not to overuse the ARGs (in this icon).

Rodney: "Of course I remember the plan, it's my plan."
John: "Actually using Niam was Elizabeth's idea."
Elizabeth: "Thank you."

And when John is frantically dodging the drones around the city (some pretty badass flying):

Elizabeth (nervous): "If we keep this up much longer there won't be much of a city left to save."
John (snarky): "I'll try to steer the drones towards your least favorite buildings!"

*sigh* I missers them so.

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