I haz committed baby!fic again

Nov 14, 2009 23:36

They were cutting this way too close.

He tapped his radio. "Is it done yet?" John asked, trying not to grit his teeth.

"Almost," Elizabeth said nervously in his ear.

Nathaniel wandered back to him, his energy noticeably flagging. They'd come up to what had once been a playroom that was near the family living quarters. Nathaniel had thrown himself joyfully around the room for an hour or so, but it was getting dangerously close to 3 p.m.

"Papa. Sleepy," Nathaniel whined, leaning against John's legs. He yawned and John knew there was no more delaying.

"Okay buddy. Time to head for home." He got up and scooped Nathaniel up in his arms. The kid was so tired he just put his head down on John's shoulder with a thump.

"We're heading back," he warned Elizabeth. "Time's up."

He went as slowly as he could, but they still reached their quarters before Elizabeth did. John made a show of tucking the bear Rodney had gotten Nathaniel under the kid's arm, but he could literally see the alarm spreading through his son. It was the same look Elizabeth gave him when she realized they were about to be overrun by Wraith.

"Papa?" Nathaniel sat up and John could practically feel the hysterical crying bubbling to the surface when the door mercifully slid open.

Elizabeth had Nora in her baby sling around her torso and a basket on her hip. She dropped the laundry basket on the bed held out her hand to John, "Here."

Exhaling in relief, John took the little gray blanket from Elizabeth and covered Nathaniel with it. "And here's blankie."

Nathaniel made an indistinct noise and clutched the blanket like a lifeline. He settled down obediently and John grabbed the baby when Elizabeth held her out. She bent over and kissed Nathaniel's forehead as he drifted off to sleep.

Nora wriggled in his arms and then attempted to cram her fist into her mouth once she was settled against his chest.

Elizabeth shot him a wry look. "We need to plan laundry day more carefully in the future."

weir/sheppard, babyfic

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