the whole pseudonymous thing

Feb 16, 2009 17:53

I usually like Mark Morford, but I'm going to have to write a letter smacking him around for this wonderfully elitist assertion that nobody should be allowed to comment on the Internet without a picture and a bio because that's how "real journalists" do it. (Cause you know, there are no staff writers, just featured columnists. And no featured columnist has ever written something untrue or offensive or simply in poor taste, because they have PICTURES next to their columns! Or something.)

DHinMI offers a good take-down of the myth of real names on Kos, including a number of points about authors, especially reporters and politicians, using pseudonyms on their work for protection. (Morford never mentions the idea of a pseudonym; for him it's either "real" names or we're all anonymous. Where have I heard that before?)

lmty, explosions, meta

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