Season 2 was better than I remember

Jan 11, 2009 18:43

Watching "Trinity" and the whole argument between Caldwell and Elizabeth, there's so much stuff being dealt with here. It's a depth to both the characters and the moral arguments that none of the episodes in later seasons even approached.

Just like the scene between Halling and Elizabeth at the end of S1 where he accuses her of sacrificing Pegasus for the sake of the Milky Way (you gotta wonder if M&M ever saw that scene, given the finale).

They totally dropped the ball on the Satedans, too. We only ever got those stupid Wraith worshippers and nobody else. If they'd even suggested that some episode where Ronon wasn't around was because he was visiting his people, that would've been something. I get the feeling the SGA writers were never that into world-building, not like a lot of us are, where we find inventing cultures and traditions fascinating.
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