ultimate part 3

Jun 01, 2008 01:35

My wrist hurts! From writing smut! No, actually I was doing something completely innocent earlier and kind of overtaxed my wrist (I swear it wasn't anything dirty) and then, well, I wrote 3K words of smut so now my wrist hurts!

*giggles like a twelve year old*

This is part 3 of the "ultimate E/J kink fic" (see icon for more details). Wherein we cross one more item off the list. One more left after this and I'm not really sure how that's gonna play out yet so savor this part folks.

ALL OF THIS IS VERY EXPLICIT SMUT. NC-17 plus kinkiness. You've been warned.

Part 1 which sets up the minimal AMTDI premise.
Part 2 which concludes "Round 1" *ahem*

The shower helped revive her a bit. Elizabeth's sense of time was off, to say the least, but she was pretty sure she'd slept a good six hours before the need to use the bathroom woke her up.

That was more sleep than she usually got on a normal night, ironically.

Her hope that the worst of the chemical imperative was over proved futile while she was in the shower, though. Even though her legs were sore, along with much of the rest of her, the hot water cascading over her skin reawakened her body from more than just the sleep. As she lathered the soap over her arms, her breasts and her stomach, memories flashed through her mind from earlier.

John's hands. His mouth. His eyes.

Her fingers slipped between her legs without her having to think about it. The soap made it that much easier to circle her clit. She braced a hand against the wall, her imagination now having no trouble picturing John in the shower with her, pressing her against the cool metal of the bath, grinding his hips into hers and licking the water dripping down her throat until-

Her back arched as she came hard and fast. It didn't really relieve the tension, though. The edge was slightly softened, but she knew at that moment she was going to go out there and wake him up so she could fuck him again.

The thought didn't even make her blush. She shut off the water and stepped out into the middle of the bathroom. As she dried herself off, she glanced in the mirror. The look on her face was one Elizabeth couldn't recall ever seeing in her reflection.

She looked hungry. Predatory, almost.

Smirking at the mirror, she tossed the towel onto the counter, not bothering to hang it up, and went back to her room.

John had been curled up on his side when she slipped out of bed. He'd flopped onto his back in her absence, one arm casually thrown over his head. She stood at the end of the bed and slowly dragged the sheet down, gradually exposing his body to the low light from the bathroom.

He was gorgeous. And that wasn't just the alien pheromones talking. All that training and running around trying not to get killed meant his body was in excellent shape for a man of his age. Long legs, well defined muscles, nice abs that weren't precisely "cut" but definitely good enough. He'd bulked up a bit since their first year in the city. His arms were thicker, especially around the shoulders.

Elizabeth shivered, imagining where she wanted her hands and his shoulders to be. But that could wait for the moment.

She looked at his chest and grinned to herself. Damn, he was almost furry there was so much hair on him. Being so dark just made it that much more noticeable. Below his chest a thin line of hair stretched over his stomach and down between his thighs.

He wasn't awake, except for one particular part of his anatomy that was beginning to stir. A part that was in perfect proportion to the rest of him. Not to mention in very good proportion to part of her anatomy, as she well remembered.

Elizabeth climbed carefully onto the bed, trying not to jostle him. She found the tube of lube and the vibrator and set them aside as she settled. She knelt over one of his legs and reached out, feathering her fingertips along the underside of his erection. His skin was hot and smooth to her touch. She hadn't gotten to do this before, and she wanted to enjoy it.

Slowly, she coaxed his cock to full arousal with barely-there touches and teasing. John shifted in his sleep a couple times, but she backed off and waited before resuming her work. She stroked his thighs too, the crease where his leg and hip met, brushed against his balls gently.

Maneuvering wasn't easy, but she bent over and trailed light kisses up the inside of his thigh. John grunted, his leg jerking against the ticklish sensation. Elizabeth decided the moment was right. She opened her mouth and bit down on his skin just hard enough to sting.

John jerked awake with a huge gasp. He half sat up, staring wildly for a moment before he realized where she was and what she was doing. Elizabeth repeated her actions on his other thigh, kissing to goad his skin into awareness and then biting down hard enough to leave a mark.

His whole body shuddered, just like it had when she'd bitten his hand earlier. His cock bobbed and John fell back on his elbows and groaned loudly.

Staying away from his erection, she used her lips or her fingers to tease other spots on his body before leaving more bites. It gave her a primal sense of satisfaction to see his skin turning pink and then red. Those were her marks on him.


John was getting restless. The groans were turning into growls and when he mumbled her name, she decided a change in tactics was in order. Settling fully between the legs he eagerly spread for her, she wrapped a hand around the base of his dick and brought her mouth down. She used kisses and short swipes of her tongue first, letting herself get used to how his skin tasted, gauging how sensitive he was. John had leaned back on the pillows and when she paused for a breath, she looked up. He was propped up just enough to watch her, and his arms were raised, hands clutching the pillows on either side of his head.

The look on his face told her clearly what he was thinking. She almost dared change her mind and risk whatever retaliation he would've come up with, but instead she bent and slowly and deliberately wrapped her lips around the tip of his cock and slid down.

His groan this time was electric. She took him in as far as was comfortable before pulling back. Unhurried, she moved up and down, taking him in a little deeper each time. Over the noises of the wet suction she could hear his breathing, little panting moans when her tongue swirled or rubbed just right.

She let one hand drift down and play with his balls and his hips stuttered up, John just barely containing the movement before it could have made her choke. She pulled off, making him curse, and then curse again when she delicately sucked one of his balls into her mouth.

Elizabeth had always felt anything worth doing was worth doing well. And she was especially motivated to make this the best blow job he'd ever received. The marks she'd put on his body would fade, but the memory of this? That was another story.

Wetting her finger with her lips as she moved back to his cock, she slid her hand down past his balls and then up to the soft skin behind them. The choked noise John let out made her pause. It had definitely been a sound of pleasure. There was no mistaking it.

She pulled away and reached. She held up the tube of lubricant and looked at John curiously. He nodded and licked his lips, making a wave of heat shoot through her as her neglected body made a bid for her attention, but she pushed it aside. Squeezing some of the liquid out, she put her fingers back along his perineum. His cock was curved up and still fully hard and flushed with arousal, but Elizabeth couldn't pull her eyes from John's face as her fingers trailed farther back and slipped in between the firm, soft muscles of his ass.

She found the tight ring of muscle, circling her finger gently, careful not to push in case he didn't want that.

John writhed and pushed his body into her touch. That pretty much answered that question.

Wishing she'd trimmed her nails more recently, Elizabeth teased and pushed lightly until his body yielded and her finger slipped inside of him. John threw his head back, and she had a sudden fierce desire to lick and bite at his throat.

Instead she took him into her mouth again. John let out a strangled cry as she started to suck him back to full hardness and her finger circled inside his ass until she was able to add a second finger. It didn't go in too easily, though. She needed more lube.

She pulled away, fumbling for the tube, and her hand brushed against the vibrator.

It was shaped abstractly like a penis, though it was purple and made of plastic. And it had a flared base.

Elizabeth swallowed. "John."

She could see the sheen of sweat on his chest and his arms. He cracked his eyes open. "What?"

She held up the toy. "I want to fuck you with this."

She didn't really ask his permission, but if he hesitated or said no outright, she could go back to fingering him. Would, if that was what he wanted, she told herself firmly.

John swallowed visibly, his Adam's apple bobbing and drawing her eyes to his neck again. But he only said one word. "Yes."

Elizabeth didn't hesitate. She coated the toy with lube and shifted back to her spot. John drew his knees up and apart, spreading himself for her. It wasn't quite enough. She yanked a pillow out from under him, drawing a petulant "hey!" of protest before he realized what she was up to. She jammed the pillow under his tailbone, propping him up.

The head of the vibrator was a bit large. Elizabeth rubbed the toy against his hole for a minute before she started pressing. It was easier to do this with fingers, she remembered now. The sensation made it easier to tell when to stop. Instead she watched John's face as she pushed the toy, adding force until it slid into him.

"Oh," John grunted as his body quivered. Then his eyes shut as she rotated the vibrator, not pushing in and out, just circling it inside him.

She saw when she hit his prostate. His jaw gaped open as his body jerked involuntarily. Elizabeth concentrated on the angle and movement before she resumed sucking him off. When her mouth closed around his erection in counterpoint to her hand penetrating him with the toy, John shouted, "Fuck, Elizabeth."

She drew back, licked the tip of his cock and grinned. "Don't you mean 'Fuck me, Elizabeth'?" she asked.

He growled again.

Still smirking, she went down on him once more. This time she wasn't going to stop.

She managed to snatch glances at him as she worked him up higher and higher. John was holding onto his knees to keep them back for her, which left him without any real leverage. His muscles rippled as she watched, limned by the sweat reflecting the light falling over the bed. He was gasping for breath and his face was twisted in the most gorgeous grimace of pleasure she could remember seeing on anyone. Under her tongue his cock was rigid and hot, his skin tasting like salt and sweat and him. Through her fingertips she could almost feel his body tightening around the vibrator every time she pushed it into him. He was right there, on the edge of coming completely apart, absolutely beautiful and the sexiest thing she'd ever seen.

She sped up and his hips thrust unsteadily both up and down, clearly out of control. She held his thigh down with her other arm to steady him, sucking and penetrating him faster until she heard an incoherent sound that was probably meant as a warning before his cock twitched in her mouth and John came.

The orgasm hit him in waves, pulsing against her tongue and her fingertips. His voice was rough as he made a broken, glorious noise that was part curse and part her name. Elizabeth didn't let up until she felt him trying to curl away and then, finally, she stopped.

Slightly dazed, she slumped back towards the end of the bed. She was never going to forget this either, she realized.

Carefully she pulled the vibrator out of him and got up. Her legs were wobbly from kneeling, but she padded back into the bathroom to clean herself off. She filled a cup with water, drank half of it, and then refilled it and returned.

John was yawning. She glared. "Don't even think about going to sleep yet."

He grinned at her and Elizabeth only managed not to grin back thanks to years of resisting that expression. He looked more than just puppy-cute now, though, lying naked and sweaty in her bed, looking very thoroughly fucked and happy. She didn't remember ever seeing him this relaxed, which made sense of course.

John propped himself up on an elbow and reached out for the water. "Just don't ask me to stand up. I don't think my legs will work."

The smug look on her face earned a roll of his eyes but damn if that didn't make her feel insanely proud.

Not to mention reminding her of her body's insistent demand for attention now please. She could feel a heavy pulse between her legs and as she stood there while John drank the rest of the water, she became aware of her nipples tightening as she watched his throat work. Her hands brushed against her stomach absently and she shivered.

John's eyes caught on her body and she saw the heat sharpen there. Then he glanced ruefully at his groin. "We may have to get creative," he told her, and then laughed. "More creative, I mean."

"Well," she said, taking the cup away and putting a hand on a well-muscled shoulder to push him down onto his back again. She was practically purring and her heart rate picked up as her earlier fantasy surged into her mind. "I have an idea about that."

John licked his lips, his eyes flickering over her breasts. "Anything you want."

Were there more intoxicating words than that? Even without the alien chemicals?

"Scoot down a little," she instructed. Once he had complied and the pillows were pushed aside, she put a hand against the wall for balance and knelt above his shoulders, swinging her other leg to the other side of the bed.

John looked surprised for a second, then his own expression went rather predatory. "I was feeling a little hungry," he said conversationally, even as his strong hands slid up her thighs and shifted her body into a better position.

He touched her first, fondling her ass, stroking her folds, dipping his finger into her core and teasing her clit. "So wet," he muttered. Elizabeth knew he was thinking about how aroused she'd gotten from what she'd done to him. But she didn't really care a moment later as his thumbs held her body open and his tongue stroked slowly over her clit.

She hadn't had a chance to think about it but as he licked her lightly and in the exact right spot, she realized he'd learned her body when he'd eaten her out earlier. There was no fumbling or testing. He just starting teasing her, pushing her already-high arousal even higher. She had to fight not to rock her hips or push down. She wanted to. She needed to come. The quick orgasm in the shower felt like it was days ago, and she needed John to make her come already.

With no hesitation he pushed two fingers up into her body. She was so wet and ready it just made her moan and lean her head against the wall. Her fingers were clenched into fists and every breath came out with a tiny noise as John teased her up and up until she thought her body was going to break from the desperation.

Then he curled his fingers forward, rubbing right over the sensitive spot inside her, and Elizabeth trembled. The "oh" she let out was explosive as her body tightened and the pleasure spiked high through her core, John's tongue stretching it out longer and longer as wave after wave hit her. She came so hard she felt herself let go completely. She thought there was a surprised noise from John but it was impossible to think clearly as she shuddered and whimpered until finally she pushed up and off him.

Elizabeth collapsed onto the bed in a heap, her legs not wanting to work anymore. Her head landed on John's hip, which wasn't precisely comfortable, but she couldn't quite move yet.

John propped himself up on a pillow once again. His palm slid over her hip and along her side soothingly. "Jesus that was hot, Elizabeth," he muttered, his other hand touching his neck. "You squirted all over me."

She blinked and in spite of everything felt a renewed thrum of tension in her body. John was covered in her. Wet from her juices, still bearing marks from her teeth. That possessive hunger gave another flicker. "It's been a while since that happened," she confessed softly.

John looked at her, his eyes seeing more than she probably wanted him to know. But then, he always had seemed to have that gift. His hand moved and cupped her breast gently as he sat up. He bent down and brushed his lips against hers. She could taste herself and that made another flicker of arousal go through her.

John slid his fingers up to her neck, massaging lightly for a minute before he drew her up. "Come on, we need to clean up." Elizabeth held on to his hands as she crawled awkwardly to the edge of the bed and stood. John waited there and when she was on her feet, he drew her body flush against his for a moment and she realized he was half-hard again. "Then I'm going to fuck you into the wall of that shower," he promised in a rough, sexy voice that made her knees go weak.

He drew her towards the bathroom. She followed more than willingly.

weir/sheppard, fic, ultimate

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