aaaand fic!

Mar 19, 2008 22:43

Totally heteronormative, patriarchy-supporting, "dominant male" fantasy fic no less. ;)

But it's for peanutbutterer's birthday (since IR isn't here to do it, sadly :(

Inspiration for this premise is stolen outright from an Enterprise story by saragirl, "The Siren's Scent" (AMTDI essentially).

Sparky, of course. Rating is... hard R? I guess. For sexual content.

The seconds were counting down and Elizabeth just stood there frozen, staring at John. He was standing in the doorway, making the door to her quarters remain open. He was backlit due to the darkness inside, but she didn't need to see his face. She could hear his labored breathing, and the roughness of his voice as he asked with a smirk, "Should I stay or should I go?"

Her whole body was perspiring, heat swelling everywhere as the alien pheromones took control of her. She didn't remember ever being this aroused in her life. If she wasn't so completely in the grip of her overactive hormonal response, she would want to die of embarrassment, even knowing almost all of the people in the city were being similarly affected.

The only cure Carson could find (that he could barely explain coherently due to nervousness) was orgasms. Lots of them. There was no antidote to the storm brewing in their bodies, except what nature was demanding they do. The hormonal changes involved in an orgasm would make the pheromones' effects dissipate.

A tiny group of people who were unaffected (officially because they had a particularly rare recessive gene, unofficially because of things she would never answer questions about) were holding down the control room. The entire rest of the expedition was being sent to their quarters for the duration and then would be locked in. They were all close to going completely out of their heads and couldn't be trusted with their own safety in the city right now.

If people partnered up in order to relieve the pressure, it was not going to be a matter of record. No one saw anything, no one would say anything. By her order.

Elizabeth had deliberately left to go to her room alone, avoiding the multiple leering glances being sent her way by various people. It was a thin thread of self-control that got her through the corridors and here alone.

And then John was suddenly there, in her doorway. He was on the other side of the room from her but she swore she could smell him even from that distance.

They stared at each other and she knew time was passing and she should tell John to go so he could get somewhere private before the deadline.

But she couldn't make herself send him away.

The door hummed as the lockdown began and John stepped forward just in time to avoid getting squashed.

That was it. They were locked in here for the next twelve hours at least.

John kept moving, shedding his vest and dropping it, along with his gun belt. He cast aside his radio. He yanked his sweat-soaked t-shirt up over his head, advancing steadily across the room towards her. Elizabeth stared, still partly disbelieving that this was real, distracted by the smell of him and the sight of him bare-chested and coming ever closer.

His hands grabbed her hips and he propelled her backwards so that she crashed into the wall. Immediately he was pressed up against her, pinning her with his body. He put his hands on either side of her head, trapping her, and distantly she knew if she wasn't so turned on she could barely see straight, this would be somewhat frightening.

John stared at her for a second. "You should've closed the door."

Then he kissed her, open-mouthed and hungry, no hesitation at all. His lips on hers, his tongue in her mouth, his body hot and hard and right there, and Elizabeth melted into John and her desperate, burning need to fuck him senseless.

The kissing made the fire in her veins worse with the promise of the release being so close. Elizabeth dug her nails into John's scalp and rubbed her body against his as much as she could manage. When his hand groped her breast she moaned into his mouth. When it slid lower and cupped her between her legs, even through the layers of her pants and underwear, Elizabeth felt the heat of his touch searing through her.

She scrambled to get her pants open, still kissing him frantically, dimly aware of John undoing his own fly and pushing his remaining clothes out of his way. Then his hand was back and there were no barriers this time. His finger pushed between her thighs, sliding right over her clit and making her whimper, before moving back and pressing up into her body. She rocked down into his hand, already wet and aching.

John pulled his mouth away. She bit his lower lip in protest and he growled lowly at her but then he slipped a second finger into her, his thumb rubbing circles around her clit. Elizabeth arched her hips up away from the wall, holding on to his shoulders for balance. John buried his face in her neck and she could feel him breathing in, taking in more of the scents they were all giving off that were driving them into this frenzy.

He sucked on the pulse point of her neck, hard enough that she knew there'd be a mark, but it didn't register. His fingers were fucking her too slowly and she grabbed for his hips, trying to get her hand onto him and draw him to her.

John pulled back, his hands grabbing her thighs and spreading them further apart. He shifted his feet, lining their bodies up and Elizabeth groaned. Yes, God, she needed this right the hell now.

He stopped, a fraction of an inch from entering her. She could feel him, all of him, so damned close. But he stopped.

His eyes were wild, more out of control than she'd seen him possibly ever. She knew exactly what he wanted because it was what she wanted desperately, and she knew how badly they both wanted this right now. But he still stopped, looking at her, waiting for her permission.

Elizabeth brought herself down, closing the tiny distance, and she watched John grit his teeth as he pushed himself into her slowly.

Her body spasmed. She'd never come just from this before, but she almost did this time. Already so close, her whole body sensitized and eager, John groaned as he felt her reaction around him. She urged him with her hips and hands to move, and he grabbed her tightly, drawing back and then pushing in again. He was panting with the effort not to be too rough with her, and through the haze of her own lust Elizabeth's heart broke a little.

She managed, barely, to speak into his ear. "Fuck. Now."

His mouth came down on hers almost brutally and John began to thrust into her steadily. The angle was awkward due to their boots still being on. Elizabeth reached down, insinuating her hand where she needed it. John grunted out what sounded like a curse as he watched her arm move and his hips started to falter already.

It didn't matter. As soon as her fingers reached their target Elizabeth was shaking. Everything else disappeared in the blinding light behind her eyelids as she just thought "Yes yes yes..." and then shouted incoherently as the orgasm hit her like a freight train, bursting through her body with breathtaking intensity.

John barely lasted more than a few heartbeats after she did, and the feeling of him coming made her shudder with an aftershock that shook her already wobbly legs.

They were still for a couple of minutes, getting their breath back. Elizabeth felt warm and loose. Nowhere near satiated yet, not with John's scent and the smell of sex so heavy in the air, but her fears and inhibitions were gone. There was no turning back now. Whatever the fallout from this was, they'd deal with it eventually. But that wasn't something to worry about now.

She pushed him away enough to lift the hem of her shirt and take it off. John was resting his hands against the wall behind her again, bracketing her, watching avidly as she tossed the shirt away and then unfastened her bra. His eyes were hot looking at her bare body. He bent down and licked across one of her nipples. Elizabeth hissed and he flashed one of his trademark smirks at her before he bent all the way over and unlaced her shoes. She stepped out of her shoes, socks and pants and watched John get rid of his clothes as well.

When he stood upright again, she reached for him, only to be stopped when he grabbed her and lifted her in a fireman's carry over one shoulder. "John!" she bellowed, laughing and also ridiculously turned on by the close up she was getting of his shoulders and back.

He carried her the few steps to her bed, dropping her unceremoniously onto her butt. She giggled, feeling silly but unable to stop, even as she stared up at him, naked and flushed and clearly recovering already.

She leaned back on her hands, spreading her legs just a little. "So?" she asked, mischievously. "Was that it?"

John shot her a look and then crawled across the bed after her.

fic, ultimate

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