amazingly, the trip went okay. the only flight hang-up was today, when one of my connections was delayed coming from denver. really not so bad, especially considering the ordeal
two years ago. other things of note:
- sunday: down to atlanta! remnants of a cold will rapidly go away. time with patrick is good. lots of good food and drink and movies.
- wednesday: catch a 24 hour bug. down for the count. patrick makes me tea and soup... awwww.
- thursday: am cautiously optimistic about health. time with patrick is good.
- friday: had lunch with vernard!
- saturday: head to airport with patrick and get on separate flights to visit families. my brother picks me up at the airport and i help him put away stuff in his new place. have strong desire to finally own my own residence. no snow in minnesota. we go on a late-night booze run for our parents.
- sunday: day one of christmas-ing with the fam. only five of us this year. dad still makes the best dinner ever, of salmon, asparagus, potatoes, and lefse.
- monday: day two of chrismas-ing with fam and friends. twelve for dinner, and dad still makes the best dinner ever, of ham, salad, wild rice, and lefse.
- thursday: made lobster mushroom risotto and dad broiled steak... so good.
- friday: back home to oregon via phoenix (yeah, what sense does that make?) and, i'm sure, several pounds heavier... fat but happy.
uh... yeah. dunno what else to write now. more later, i'm sure. happy new year!