Sep 05, 2007 19:46
In my day dreams today, I held an imaginary concert with Peaches, Kevin Blechdom and Talkshowboy..
Sam and I are getting the Korg back and are writing a song called 'there's still air left in me' sounds like the Presets, which kind of bothers me but when your influences are dirty, sexy, electro rock acts and your choice of instruments are limited to a synth, two guitars (which I can't play because my hands are baby soft.) and a tambourine I'm not sure where else we can go. I just like listening to him sing..sigh..
Sarah, the little devil, told me Kevin Blechdom was doing another show when I suggested the gig at Hi fi on Saturday so I thought she said the show was WITH Midnight Juggernaughts, Damn arms and Talkshow I creamed myself but found out that she's actually playing Thursday..
So I'll have that, Ying Yang twins on Friday at Billboards, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA! Yis. And possibly Hi fi bar on Saturday night, I want to have a big night out because I don't start work until 3 the next day.
You know what? I don't get a single day of nothing in my week, I work Saturday to Wednesday and have uni on Thursdays and Fridays, soon I'd like to wake up and know I have no commitments. I would also like to have a holiday sometime my poppet is off to Africa my friend Rachel has offered to be my BFFBD (Best friend forever by default) so I guess I'll have to go away with her..or Sam..
I feel so restless when I have nothing major to look forward to. I want to organise a party but I never know who my friends are anymore it's freakin weird, but I'm a weird person anyway..either that or just dynamic..I'd like to think so.