pissed off

Mar 09, 2009 19:18

I am really struggling with my net connection lately ....
I was part of kittypix and this new mod sent me mail that I should not do four posts after each other with one photo on .

You know what , I could not do a huge post behind a cut so I left the community which is sad cause I loved being there and it uplifted my spirit but I do not want to go back there ever again as I just fucking hate people who think the internet belongs to them and make stupid fucking rules ... as if livejournal belongs to her , ah well stuff it , I will post the photos of my kitties on my livejournal which is a paid account and I can post as many as I like here .....

I liked most of the people there as they are such nice people ! I so wish I did not get that mail today , it really made me very dissapointed.
Kittypix was so much fun before it actually went to someone's head !
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