Dec 05, 2002 12:49
So Sunday was hellish. I now wish to never again travel at the end of is truly crazy. I was in Bethlehem,PA with my roommate...a six hour bus ride from Pittsburgh. On Sunday, we arrived at the bus station at ten in the morning to catch our bus which left at 10:50. We were informed that our bus was late. Then our bus was full cuz they oversold it in New Jersey. Then the bus came at 11:35 and there WERE seats, but we didn't get on cuz the bus people told us it was full. GRRRR. Then they were sending another empty bus from Philadelphia, which is 1.5 hours away. It supposedly left around 10:30.It got to Bethlehem at 2:45 and had apparently left around 11. Then we went to Harrisburg....a 1.5hr ride from Bethlehem which took 4 hours due to backed up traffic. We later learned that a 50 car pile-up had occurred due to a snow storm. GRRRRRR. At harrisburg they didn't know if we had a bus to pittsburgh. THen we did. THat was good. I got back to my room at 11:45. Finally. *yawn* I didn't sleep much.
* * * * *
Monday and Tuesday were dress rehearsals for the play I'm in- 33PC: A Comedy of Biblical Proportions. so that was 9-midnight and 4-7:30 respectively. Wednsday was opening night...7-10. Then today. I have the play again. I have a chem exam at 6. It is almost 4. I don't know the material. I need to fix that. I finished my term paper for ethics, due friday, this morning. Hopefully i can fix it sometime before tomorrow morning at 9.
Conclusion: I feel like I'm in IB all over again. It's refreshing...almost. Not really, I miss my freedom. The good bit is that i woke up to lots of pretty snow. It really is beautiful. And significantly warmer than the 17-22 degree weather we've been having. I miss home- my friends and family. I want it to be Christmas already!
That's all for now. Just wanted to say hi. Let you know I'm ok.