Title: Untitled
Pairings: Yukido/Haiki
Disclaimer: I don’t own neither of them …this is a fiction only.
Genre : Drama/AU (multichapter)
Summary: Yukihiro struggles in accepting himself as he struggles to fight his loneliness.
Chapter 1
If he had a person love him that much, he wouldn’t be so lonely anymore... )
Comments 6
“You’re mute?”
*LE GASP* OMT, is he?!? (*____*) I have a feeling that this will make me feel quite depressed for a long time~ (@_@) Uwaah~ *wants to know what will happen next anyway*
The mood of the story makes me really sad, sort of like it pains my heart~~ Poor yukkie, I really hope he will be able to find someone who will give him joy~~ *coughshydecoughs*
And your personal experience. (;__;) How touching, I can somehow understand why you got carried away~ *hugs*
Anyway, I'm so happy that you have another fic, yay! And thank you for posting the link in the comm~! *hugs*
oh on... don't be depressed... *offer you candy* there, there(^__^)
yes~that what I want to implies on that story, the pains and hurts.. I'm scared if my story and words couldn't shown it through..
Poor yukkie, I really hope he will be able to find someone who will give him joy~~ *coughshydecoughs*
*coughcough* I don't know *coughcough* hehehehhh
*hugs you back* I'm happy that you're happy<3
Don't worry, this really did reach my heart~~ Made me really sad (I wonder if it's a good or a bad thing?)~ I'm a sucker for sad and angsty stories *masochist* so I'm really interested in how the story will progress~~
Please be gentle to our boys, ne~~ <3
ME WANT TOO 8(#o#)8 but....we just have wait how the story will progress,and honestly I didn't plan the ending yet
well I tends to think of emotional story,I'm not good in fluff...I'm not good in angst either actually~I guess it reflect me most since I'm an emotional person and I tends to like emotional songs and stories
Please be gentle to our boys, ne~~ <3
hehehehhhhh*evil smirk*
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