
Jun 09, 2003 16:06

Rachel leaves today, at 7. The power went off this morn at 6 and my daddy turned on the generator. Oh, do I love that generator. There were four simulataneously beeping computers complaining about the lack of power. Being a kind and loving person, I dragged my ass out of bed to shut it off. Unfortunately, my brother was either too tired, to lazy or too deaf to shut the others off. I guess you'd be pretty tired if you went to bed only a few hours before being woken up. I awoke for real at noon (Rachel's phoning). We chatted and discussed how you can harm people with shavers, and how to remove the razors from the plastic case. Then Jonah's mom called asking if I'll be able to babysit on Saturday, and I politely informed her that i'd be out of town for the next two months. She was sad. Then she told me that where i'm going isn't just out of town. *will miss cute little baby Jonah* He turned two yesterday and can now speak in complete sentences. Awwww. And all day i've been consuming an insane amount of gummies. I feel unhealthy for it, but they're so chewy. I have resolved to get off my latest craze by chewing gum.
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