Title: A Midwinter's Epilogue, Part 2
w0rdinista and the butter in my beer,
pagerunner_j Characters: Alistair, Elinora Cousland, and a slowly-growing cast of thousands
Rating: T
Pairing: Cousland/Alistair
Summary: It's eight years after the Archdemon's defeat, eight years after Loghain's heroic death on the top of Fort Drakon, and eight years after… oh, you know this part, don't you? In any case, it's official: Alistair has returned, a great threat has been eliminated, Elinora is madly in love again with her old flame, and a wedding is on the horizon. Of course, all great weddings require great amounts of planning -- that planning is coming to an end, as Elinora is in Denerim seeing to a few final fittings and other details, leaving Alistair behind with only the knights of Highever for company.
....What could go wrong?
SETTING: Elinora and Alistair's much-anticipated wedding is inching ever closer, and the days have been filled with planning for the event, to say nothing of Alistair's own education on the finer points of governance in preparation for his looming role of teyrn. Elinora is in Denerim for final fittings for her gown, leaving Alistair behind. After a long day of studies, two of Highever's knights have decided the future teyrn needs a break.
…Or is something else afoot?
ALISTAIR: If you don't know who he is, we aren't talking to you anymore. Here's a hint: he's the hero. Also, former pirate and future teyrn of Highever.
SER MARKHAM: A knight of Highever. You know him, too. He and Amethyne are a thing now.
SER PERRIN: The other well-known, long-suffering knight of Highever. Also Elinora's former and Molly's current flame.
ALISTAIR: You know, I really do appreciate what you're trying to do here, but it's been a long day, and I really don't think what I need is--
MARKHAM: If it's been a long day, then a pint at the pub is exactly what you need, Alistair. Right, Per?
PERRIN: [looks like he'd rather remain silent on the matter] ....Right.
ALISTAIR: [sends Perrin an odd little look]
PERRIN: [remains impassive]
ALISTAIR: Well, with a ringing recommendation like that, how can I say no?
MARKHAM: Oh, he's just Ser Sour Britches over Molly living it up in Denerim without him.
ALISTAIR: "Living it up" is hardly how I'd describe it, if Elinora's being fitted for gowns -- I suspect Molly will have her hands full dealing with a teyrna who'll be running dangerously short on patience.
PERRIN: [long-suffering sigh] I've already told you, it's nothing to do with that--
MARKHAM: And yet I still have a hard time believing you.
PERRIN: And even if I were upset over Molly's absence, do you mean to tell me you wouldn't be similarly affected if Amethyne happened to be away from Highever as well?
MARKHAM: Per, if Amethyne were in Denerim, then she wouldn't be in the barracks right now, puppysitting Griffon. In short, she'd be in a much better mood.
ALISTAIR: Do you really think she hates it as much as she lets on?
MARKHAM: ....I caught her sneaking him a bone the other day.
ALISTAIR: That'd be a no, then.
[As they approach the pub, they can start to hear... noise. It is the sort of noise born of rowdiness. It is most definitely the kind of noise implying those inside are having an excellent time.]
PERRIN: [sighs, as Markham opens the door]
ALISTAIR: [takes in the sight. blinks.] Well.
PERRIN: Maker. Are those --
MARKHAM: The Hart sisters --
PERRIN: [sounding faintly distracted] -- dancing --
ALISTAIR: [still staring] Somehow I'm guessing that usually dancing in this establishment usually involves more, um, clothes.
PERRIN: You...would not be wrong.
MARKHAM: [dazed] But I like this trend. Can we make it a trend?
PERRIN: Markham, honestly--
MARKHAM: Come on, Per. I may be with Amethyne now, but I'm not blind or stupid. I can still... appreciate.
ALISTAIR: And there's, um... kind of a lot to appreciate.
MARKHAM: Oh, now. See: he gets it. And isn't that the point? It is a party, and more to the point... [looks at Alistair] a party for you!
ALISTAIR: For... what?
MARKHAM: [laughing] Why do you think the best seat in the house is reserved?
ALISTAIR: [is shoved forward, past even more cheering and scantily-clad young women] Wait a second--
MARKHAM: Come on, now. And you too, Perrin.
PERRIN: Uh. I'm with him. Wait a moment--
CROWD AROUND THEM: [cheers them all on]
ALISTAIR: [pondering the bench, and the offered drinks, and the very...lithe young woman before him] I... Maker's breath, who arranged all this? It wasn't you, was it?
MARKHAM: Oh, no. There was another mastermind. [snickers] But once he told me his plan, I was happy to help.
ALISTAIR: [still standing] Who do you mean?
UNEXPECTED VOICE: Why, who else could possibly be entrusted with providing such a night of debauchery for such a personage as yourself, hmm?
ALISTAIR: [turns, stares, nearly stops standing by dint of falling over] ...Zevran?
ZEVRAN: In the flesh!
ALISTAIR: [still dazed, and lands with a hard thud on the bench] ...Appropriate turn of phrase, there. Considering just how much ... [casts a quick look around] flesh there is around here.
ZEVRAN: Oh, this? This is just a little Antivan tradition.
MARKHAM: [fervently] I do so love Antiva.
PERRIN: I'll remind you of that tomorrow morning when you're hung-over and cursing the fact you're still alive.
ALISTAIR: An Antivan.... tradition. Dare I ask?
ZEVRAN: Certainly. Before a wedding, we Antivans believe in celebrating the end of the bachelor's single life.
ALISTAIR: ...Uh huh.
ZEVRAN: One last hurrah, you might say. [grins at one of the aforementioned Hart sisters] With... appropriate decor, of course.
ALISTAIR: Oh, Maker's Breath.
ZEVRAN: You're welcome, old friend
ALISTAIR: Well. Yes. Er. Thank you? And you learned I was getting married how?
ZEVRAN: Did you honestly think for a moment that rumors of your exploits--
ALISTAIR: --Not sure I like that word.
ZEVRAN: --haven't reached far beyond Highever? News of the blood-mage you and my lovely Elin--
ALISTAIR: Your lovely?
ZEVRAN: --The lovely Elinora defeated has spread far and wide. And I, of course, was quite intrigued by the tales I was hearing. Surely it could not be the very same Alistair I'd sent off to the Siren's Call, could it? And yet, I could think of no other. You are looking good, my friend. Much better than the last time I saw you.
ALISTAIR: ...I'm... doing better, yes. [looks around him] Well. I was doing better before this.
ZEVRAN: [sighs] Ah, Alistair. Still such a prude after all this time...
ALISTAIR: I am not a prude.
ZEVRAN: ...Of course you're not.
ANDERS: [swooping -- hah! -- in from nowhere, his own mug of ale permanently frosty] Oh, he absolutely is.
ALISTAIR: [facepalms] ....Anders. You've met Zevran. How... positively fortuitous. Anyone care to kill me now?
ANDERS: A prude, and yet so very dramatic. How do you figure he manages that?
PERRIN: A great deal of practice, I should say.
MARKHAM: So says king of the prudes.
PERRIN: Excuse me. Just because I believe in doing things the proper way with Molly --
ALISTAIR: [very under his breath] Right. This time around, he goes for proper.
ANDERS: [hears this and smirks, muttering back under his breath] Oh, this I've got to hear.
ALISTAIR: [sotto voce] Oh, I'll be sure to tell you on the twelfth of never.
MARKHAM: And because Molly's mother is over in the corner, watching you like a hawk....
PERRIN: [facepalms] Yes, I had noticed that.
ZEVRAN: [bursts out laughing] Now, whyever did I think of paying for the evening's entertainment? All I needed was to get you three into the same room!
ANDERS: Believe me, you have no idea.
ZEVRAN: Clearly I needed to come visit much, much sooner.
ANDERS: Actually, that might have involved getting dragged into a battle for your life against a horrible hybrid dragon-mage--
ZEVRAN: Ah, but you forget, my enchanting friend. I have faced terrors like that at Elinora's side before. And his, for that matter. For a time.
ALISTAIR: We're not going to have that conversation again, are we?
ZEVRAN: Perhaps not. The tavern scene might induce nostalgia for our last meeting -- but the scenery here is far, far lovelier, so why dwell on the past?
ALISTAIR: At least back then no one was encouraging me to tip every girl who walked past.
ZEVRAN: Back then, you were hardly part of the lovely scenery, and the girls were giving you a wide berth, as I recall. I'd say the situation has improved.
ALISTAIR: [looking askance at a tall, leggy blonde who is twirling an iridescent scarf around her person, but very little else] Um. Perhaps.
ZEVRAN: Really, are you so fixed on Elinora that you cannot even enjoy the display?
ALISTAIR: Is that what all this is about? To tempt me?
ZEVRAN: Oh, to tempt you, to tease you, to give you one last pleasurable taste before you lock yourself away. [sighs] Such a shame, that Fereldans are so... terribly limited in their scope.
ALISTAIR: But I thought you said this was an Antivan tradition. Don't the husbands go back to their wives and stay there, too?
ZEVRAN: [chuckles] Oh, Antiva has many fine traditions, my friend.
MARKHAM: I have got to take Amethyne there sometime.
PERRIN: [dryly] And she'll return having left your head on a pike, I imagine.
MARKHAM: [sighs] It might be worth it.
ZEVRAN: [clapping his hands] Come now! We have much to celebrate! [smirking sidelong at Alistair] More than just the last dying gasps of your bachelor life, Alistair.
ALISTAIR: [quite clearly sees he's not getting out of this, and gingerly accepts a mug of ale] More than that? And what more did you have in mind?
ZEVRAN: A host of things, my old friend--
ALISTAIR: Tell me, were we ever actually friends?
ZEVRAN: We were not enemies, Alistair -- so if not that, then what remains?
ALISTAIR: [considers this, nods]
ZEVRAN: [looks pleased] And I am glad to see this change in you. Glad, also, that the two of you resolved your differences.
ANDERS: "Resolved," I suspect, might be putting it lightly.
ALISTAIR: Well, this part only came after we tried to kill each other.
ZEVRAN: ... [LAUGHS.] Oh, that is good to hear--
ALISTAIR: Excuse me? I thought you said we were friends--
ZEVRAN: Ah, but it only proves that passion still remained between you two, despite all else. If she had not cared, I doubt she would have actively tried to kill you, the minx.
ANDERS: [peers down at his ale] I confess, even I'm having a difficult time following that train of logic.
MARKHAM: ...Are we actually calling the teyrna a minx? ....Why do I feel like we ought to be tossed in the dungeon for that?
PERRIN: [maintains a judicial silence and takes a long, deep drink of his ale]
ZEVRAN: Alistair, even as an observer, I recall perfectly the .... energy between you two after a battle. She is a passionate fighter -- and when a woman is so passionate in one area of her life--
PERRIN: [Wow, this ale is really good. Taking a longer drink now.]
ALISTAIR: [blushing] Yes. Well. That's. Quite an observation, Zevran, thank you. Swordplay as foreplay. You clearly haven't changed a bit.
ANDERS: ...And you're still going to let her teach me weapons training?
MARKHAM: Perrin, are you actually trying to drown yourself over there?
PERRIN: ....I'm fine.
ANDERS: Well, that's good, because Lilly's coming your way.
PERRIN: [staring, and gulping, and then saying despite himself] Andraste's tits--
MARKHAM: [reverently] --could not have been as lovely as those.
ZEVRAN: [laughing] Now that, my young friend, is the kind of blasphemy I could truly get behind. [thoughtfully] Or, considering the topic, in front of. Hmm.
PERRIN: [to Lilly] Um -- excuse me --
LILLY: [blithely ignores him, and, ah, settles in]
PERRIN: [strained] Just... not actually in my lap, please --
ALISTAIR: Oh, Perrin. You should see your face.....
PERRIN: You should see Molly's mother's face. Really. [points to Alistair] He's the one getting feted, not me!
ALISTAIR: Oh, no. Perrin, I think you should enjoy the moment.
MARKHAM: And oh, there's so much to enjoy....
ZEVRAN: No, I think Ser Perrin has a point. Lilly -- and what a lovely name -- might I entice you to join us?
ZEVRAN: [smirks] Someone has to show you how to be less reluctant about this, yes?
ANDERS: [laughing helplessly] This I would pay to see.
PERRIN: How about you pay to take her off my hands?
MARKHAM: [sporfling] And off... other things.
ALISTAIR: Actually, Anders, if you want her, you can-- [stops and stares as not one, but two lovely young women saunter up to Anders, completely distracting him, while Lilly at last lets Perrin go and turns to Alistair instead] Oh, Maker.
ZEVRAN: Now. [smugly] Time for your lesson.
ALISTAIR: Er. Really, this is... um. [looks up at Lilly] Zevran really shouldn't have gone through such trouble. He really shouldn't have.
ZEVRAN: Anything for an old friend, no?
ALISTAIR: You've no idea how tempted I am to answer that in the negati-- urk. [chokes a bit as Lilly slinks her way into his lap, wraps her arms around his neck, trailing her fingers through his hair]
ZEVRAN: If that's all that's tempting you right now, Alistair, I have done something very wrong here.
ALISTAIR: It's not that. Miss... ah, Lilly, is it? Erm. [trying to extricate himself] It's not that you aren't quite lovely, because you are....
ZEVRAN: Alistair, please. Stop right there.
ALISTAIR: Oh, thank the Maker.
ZEVRAN: You, my friend, are doing it wrong.
ALISTAIR: Pretty sure I don't want to be doing it right, Zevran.
ZEVRAN: [leans in a bit, draping himself over Lilly in the process; for the record, Lilly seems not to mind in the least] No one is suggesting you betray Elinora. No one would suggest it, unless they were quite stupid.
ZEVRAN: The point only is that you unwind a little and enjoy yourself. [smirks] You've been on the Siren's Call, Alistair. No innocent Chantry boy you. Not anymore.
ALISTAIR: ...Is this supposed to convince me--
ZEVRAN: Enjoy yourself, Alistair. Relax. That is all. Try not to be such a Fereldan for once, hmm?
ALISTAIR: In case you've forgotten, Zevran, I am Fereldan.
ZEVRAN: Well, no one is perfect.
ALISTAIR: [gives him a look]
ZEVRAN: Oh, don't be that way about it. All I'm saying, Alistair, is that you should just... reach out and enjoy yourself, one last time.
ALISTAIR: [sighs, and lifts his hand, almost as if in surrender, his palm meeting in an unfortunate collision with Lilly's breast] Oh, Maker, I didn't--
ZEVRAN: There you go.
ZEVRAN: [leans in again, winking] Just think for a moment, my friend, how much more fun you're having right now than Elinora.
ALISTAIR: Um. Right. [face flushes as Lilly wriggles] Fun....
SETTING: Denerim, well past midnight. Elinora has been subjected to countless hours of last-minute wedding planning. After so much time spent being fitted for a gown and various other trying tasks, our heroine has decided what she really needs is not crafted of silk or tulle, but rather exists heavily fermented in a glass.
ELINORA: The heroine of this piece. If you know her at all, then by now you know she's in dire need of a drink.
PATRONS OF THE PEARL: Various and sundry colorful characters.
A lone, cloaked figure slips through the night, making its way to a familiar building, its windows warm and glowing.
ELINORA: [pushes open the door to The Pearl, pushes her hood back, and makes a beeline for the bar]
SANGA: My, my... hadn't thought I'd ever see you here again.
ELINORA: [rueful] I needed to get away from the city proper for a bit.
SANGA: Alone?
ELINORA: Erm. Yes? Yes, alone. Actually, I think I'd just like a drink. [pause] Possibly several.
SANGA: [eloquently arches her eyebrow]
ELNIORA: ...It's been a difficult few days.
SANGA: Shall I leave the bottle?
ELNIORA: [chuckles] Possibly not that difficult.
[Around them, music plays and voices raise in conversation, challenges, wagers, seduction. Sanga hands Elinora a glass and a bottle of fine brandy, then reacts to the sound of metal clanging.]
SANGA: I keep telling those boys to keep their toys put away.... [winks at Elinora] Unless they pay first.
ELINORA: [smiles over her glass] Best go tend to that, then.
SANGA: I will. Call if you need anything. Or anyone.
ELINORA: [flushes just a little] Of course.
[Sanga smiles and departs, leaving Elinora to her drink for a while. But just as she begins to relax, enjoying the music and, admittedly, some of the scenery, she hears the door open....]
STRANGER: Ah, The Pearl. It's good to be back at last.
SANGA: [turns, looks surprised] Yes. Always good to welcome a... repeat visitor....
STRANGER: I hope you haven't given my customary table away, Sanga.
SANGA: Your customary -- [recognition dawns at last, smiles] Ahh. Yes, of course.
STRANGER: [amused] You recognized me, then?
SANGA: You may be disguised enough to fool the city guards, but I'm no fool. Just took me a moment. Mostly because I was not expecting you to risk coming back here....
STRANGER: Well. I heard tales. Stories of things worth investigating.
SANGA: Or treasure to be found?
STRANGER: [whose voice is beginning to sound terribly familiar] Perhaps.
SANGA: In that case.... your table is of course open. But if I might suggest....
ELINORA: [looks up]
SANGA: There seems to be a seat open next to my friend at the bar. I believe you might wish to say hello.
STRANGER: [pushes her hood back an inch or two] Marvelous. I was hoping to do just that.
ELINORA: [stares] Wait a moment....
STRANGER: [smiles]
ELINORA: ....Isabela?
ISABELA: [feline smile] I'd thought perhaps you might not remember. It was so very long ago.
ELINORA: [coughs] And yet, some events...
ISABELA: Mmm. Some events more recent, perhaps?
ELINORA: [lowers her voice] You really ought not to be in Denerim, you know.
ISABELA: [grins] Your concern is touching, truly. But I know how to be careful. [gestures at herself] Getting caught will have that effect.
ELINORA: [sighs] Perhaps we ought to be somewhat more.... discreet?
ISABELA: My dear, sweet thing, are you suggesting we get a room?
ELINIORA: [sighs and gives a look] Considering that I know what Alistair went through to free you, I'll be the last person to undo his efforts. [picks up the bottle and her own glass as Isabela waves down Sanga]
ISABELA: [to Sanga] An old friend and I would like to speak more privately, Sanga.
SANGA: [arches a speculative eyebrow at Elinora]
ELINORA: [blushes]
ISABELA: A room, if you please. [thoughtful pause] And a second glass, I think. We've a great deal of catching up to do.
SANGA: [smirks and passes Isabela a key] Second door on the right. You know the one.
ISABELA: Indeed I do. [to Elinora] Shall we?
ELINORA: The irony of this is not lost on me -- to protect our respective reputations, we have to take a room at a brothel?
ISABELA: [gives her an odd little look] You're worried about my reputation?
ELINORA: In a manner of speaking, yes. [gestures with the bottle] So, shall we?
ISABELA: Oh, by all means. Let's. [leads the way to the room in question]
ELINORA: [once inside, she takes a seat in a comfortable chair and pours herself and Isabela a drink]
ISABELA: [smiles at the brandy] You have good taste.
ELINORA: Thank you.
ISABELA: But then, that was always true, wasn't it?
ELINORA: I suppose now we're not speaking of food, are we.
ISABELA: Hah. Perhaps, perhaps not. But no, I didn't come to find you to discuss the brandy, luscious as it may be.
ELINORA: [watches her as she shuts the door] You came to find me?
ISABELA: Hm. Yes. Word does get around. In fact, it came to me more directly than one might expect. [raises an eyebrow at Elinora] The day I was freed, the messenger who brought news of my pardon also informed me of... well, how the battle ended. Partially because I demanded it of him, granted, but.....
ELINORA: He told you Alistair survived, I take it?
ISABELA: And that you did. And that.... well. News of your wedding is perfectly public knowledge now, after all. It hardly shocked me then. I do recall the way he looked at you, after all.
ISABELA: I'm glad he does still.
ELINORA: I... wondered, I admit, what you'd think about this news. [looks into her glass, then up at Isabela] About the two of us. I know you and Alistair were... close...
ISABELA: Only as close as I allowed, I admit. But he is... a worthy companion, by any measure. I'm sorry to lose him, but he was never truly mine, nor I truly his. I... do owe him my gratitude, however. And you.
ISABELA: Come, now. Me, being pardoned? Alistair might ask, but such a request from one in his position would not have stuck if he did not have powerful allies. You stood by him.
ELINORA: Yes, I did.
ISABELA: May I ask why?
ELINORA: I... believed it was the right thing to do. I trusted him. I felt that the story was true. And I knew no matter how bad things may have gone for him, his intentions were....
ISABELA: Do not say pure, love. He was a pirate.
ELINORA: But he's always had a code. I know where he stands. And your reputation....
ISABELA: Oh, my reputation. [laughs] What would you say about that? Some would be perfectly willing to call me reprehensible.
ELINORA: But not I. You.... have a code, too. I've seen reprehensible men and women in my time, thank you. I've seen graver evils than you can imagine. You? Outside the boundaries of proper society, maybe....
ISABELA: [amused] And thank the Maker for that.
ELINORA: But if he had to be with anyone else.... [tiny, only slightly awkward pause] In a strange way, I'm glad it was you.
ISABELA: A lovely thought, but I can tell when you lie, I must say. You're not glad of it. But... accepting, perhaps. I can accept that too.
ELINORA: ...Yes. Perhaps that's a better choice of words.
ISABELA: [picks up the glass of brandy and inhales a moment, savoring the scent of it] Oh, very nice indeed. [sinks into another chair, taking a sip from the glass]
ELINORA: In any event, you sought me out. I confess I'm... surprised.
ISABELA: [smiles] Why?
ELINORA: [slightly wry] I'd be less surprised if you went looking for Alistair.
ISABELA: And why would you think I'd do that?
ELINORA: [takes a drink] A proper good-bye, perhaps?
ISABELA: [laughs, softly] You give me too much credit. I'm not that much of a romantic, I'm afraid. I wanted to see you for a number of reasons, as it happens.
ELINORA: A number of reasons? [ponders her glass] I'm almost afraid to ask what kinds of reasons you have.
ISABELA: [tips her head back and laughs] My dear, you're going to be married soon. I wouldn't have expected you'd be suggesting that.
ELINORA: [goes perfectly red] I wasn't suggesting---
ISABELA: [still laughing] Oh, Elinora. You're still utterly charming. Quite like Alistair in a number of ways, actually. Charmingly shy, at least, but some of us know better, don't we? [knocks back the rest of her drink; Elinora refills her glass]
ELINORA: I suspect you'll get a great deal of amusement out of the fact that I've been called a prude countless times during my stay in the city.
ISABELA: Oh, Maker. You've got to be kidding. But we--
ELINORA: --Ahem. Yes, well. That's not something I tend not to share overmuch.
ISABELA: Mmm, and that's a pity.
ELINORA: [drains her glass] There are some things I'd rather keep private, thank you.
ISABELA: [leans back in her chair] I suppose we all need our secrets. Maker knows I have mine.
ELINORA: [refills her own glass] Some might say you have more than your fair share.
ISABELA: I'm smart enough not to argue that. [ponders her own glass for a few moments] At any rate, yes. I do owe you my gratitude. Thank you for standing by him.
ELINORA: I didn't do it for Alistair, Isabela. I did it because I believed it was the right thing to do.
ISABELA: [smiles again, shaking her head] You two are so similar.
ELINORA: ...I will take that as a compliment.
ISABELA: You ought to. I wouldn't say it if I didn't mean it.
ELINORA: [smiles] I know.
ISABELA: In fact....
ISABELA: [pushes herself up out of her chair and approaches Elinora, bracing her arms against the chair as she leans forward] You said something about a good-bye.
ELINORA: [goes perfectly still] ...I did.
ISABELA: In that case, this is for both of you. [leans in, pressing a slow, lingering kiss against Elinora's lips]
ELINORA: [flushes bright, but isn't the first to back away] I. Ah. [stares at her, from very close] I'll let him know.
ISABELA: Be sure you do, sweet thing. [smiles] And enjoy it for me.
ELINORA: [smiles back] I believe I will.