Have you ever had a dream...

Nov 04, 2006 00:43

... you were so sure was real. What if you were unable to wake from that dream, how would you be able to know the dream world from the real one...

"You approach the turnstiles leading into the Circus-Circus and you know that when you get there, you have to give the man two dollars or he won't let you inside.. but when you get there, everything goes wrong: you misjudge the distance to the turnstile and slam against it, bounce off and grab hold of an old woman to keep from falling, some angry Rotarian shoves you and you think: What's happening here? What's going on? Then you hear yourself mumbling: "Dogs fucked the Pope, no fault of mine. Watch out!... Why money? My name is Brinks; I was born...born?Get sheep over side...women and children to armored car... orders from Captain Zeep."
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