Enochian Working: Azinor

Jul 26, 2008 02:07

This evening I decided to call Aczinor.  Aczinor is a Senior of Earth and associated with Jupiter.  My ritual this evening went well.  I opened with the lesser banishing and lit some incense.  I set up my hand made holy table, sigillum Dei Aemeth, and ensigns of creation.  I set the tablet of Earth to the side along with my notes and began the ritual.  Everything went well, I truly felt more of a trance when I was finished with my first chants, which is what I have been going for.   After that I recited the 5th call and invoked Aczinor by first calling out to him, then addressing the hierarchy down to him.  Every time I said his name I traced the letters on the tablet before me.

At first there was nothing.  I do not have a dark mirror yet so I scry with my eyes closed and listen.  I felt chills go up and down my arms and back but then nothing.  Feeling that something needed to be done I began the call again but was interrupted when I heard, "There is no need for that."  It wasn't harsh, just matter of fact.  Below is the rest of our rather short session:

M: Are you here, Aczinor?
A: I am, there was no need for the second call
M:I apologize. 
A: You worry too much
M: How do you show yourself in my life? (there was a pause here.  I was frankly, unsure what to ask.  So I went with a standard question)
A: I am the strength you need.  I show you what you need to become.
M:What I need to become? 
A: Yes.  I watch over you and show you what you need to become in order to endure what is to come
M: Will I have more hardships than average? 
A:No more and no less than any child of our God.  But you will find me in the more and in the less
M:I thank you for coming to speak with me.   
A:And I bless you, child.  Use my strength, I offer it to you.

With that I gave him more thanks and license to depart.  I said my closing prayer of thanks to God and collected my thoughts.

I felt good after the working.  Not necessarily energized just....good.   I feel embarrased that we didn't converse longer but I was a bit startled by his presence.  Throughout our conversation I felt tingling in my arms and on my neck.  That feeling you get when you suddenly get to talk to your boss about something you weren't expecting.   And to be honest, I wasn't sure what to expect.  With my first working being so mixed I had no idea this would feel so....present.

The "endure what is to come" part creeped me out a little but He seems to believe that I have nothing more to worry about than usual.  So I'll chalk that up as a good sign.  Also, when he told me to  use his strength I could feel all the muscles in my body grow warm and strong.  Like those few moments in a good workout.   They lasted only for a moment and then were gone.  I shall have to remember to take him up on his offer.

magic journal, enochian

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