(no subject)

Aug 08, 2008 20:50

Something which my sister and I wrote for fun to put in my profile, but what I got inpatient with v. quickly.


This is my profile, you might have guessed by the big text above which says 'profile'.
Either way, your power of deduction is astounding.

By the way, congratulations. You found me. Yes, of all the people on livejournal, on the internet, in existence, you found me. Either way, by now we should both feel rather pleased with ourselves. You for finding, and me for existing.

Some mildly interesting things about me.
I am this tall. This wide. And approximately, this shape.

I feel informed, don't you?

Yes, that was a funny way of me telling you absolutely nothing.

I would continue this one one-sided conversation, but I have to go save my little fluffy dog from those mean cats. They like him... Well, for dinner.

Perhaps, I shall hear from you anon.

(Lexi's Alter Ego)

blah blah woof woof, words, awesome

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