(no subject)

Jan 20, 2005 17:55

I haven't said anything since Sammy and I made this so I thought i'd say HELLO again. I'm in a really good mood cuz I booked my plane tickets to go and see Andy on the long weekend in February. I know no1 cares..and I don't know why i'm even saying this stuff since who cares but its what i'm thinking about right now.
Sammy and I had a really good weekend skiing. There was basically no drama and we made sure everyone was happy. I got ditched on the first night and had to run after the cars because they hadn't realised I wasn't there but its ok there were so many of us it was understandable! Sammy and Drew helped me a lot snowboarding and made me laugh every time I got a new bruise on my knees.
Sammy and I are also now trained peer counselors..and we've got the certificates to prove it. We told our trainer person that we had this journal and he took it really seriously and said we should use it for anonymous people who need help..so if u need help feel free to ask!

Ali xx
For some reason I have SATs on saturday..I dunno why i'm taking them because most of the england universities i've applied to have said they dont care about SATs but oh well.
Pray for snow!
Bad news--Apparently we might me moving back to England early in the summer!
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