amat: relationships

Nov 29, 2010 01:31

    ☇ dislike; enemies

    ☇ acquaintances

    ☇ general buddies

    ☇ good friends

    ☇ best friends

    ☇ family; nakama

    ☇ platonic love

    ☇ RABU RABU (blush)

    ✔ ☇ slept with
    ✖ ☇ slept with via curse
    ☣ ☇ it's complicated
    ☁ ☇ tsuntsun deredere
    ♜ ☇ club member
    ✈ ☇ no longer on the island

profile code by candlejack @ incestualicons!!

rpg: amat, ooc: relationships

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